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Thread: 63 Willys Wagon refresh

  1. #51
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    I looked today to see when the last time he was heard from. He was on this post last Tuesday, then posted on his on the 4th. Hopefully he is just busy fitting his rear panel, or better yet, taking the body to paint.

    It is a 3/4 minus crusher run with fines. It is high, but even higher at the quarry. Then they wanted $175 on top for trucking. The looks you get when you want them to end gate spread it.... When I lived in the north land, I gave $250 for an end dump of crushed concrete. I don't know why it's so high here. I guess that's why a lot of folks use chirt in these parts for a base. It makes a mess, so I didn't want to park on top of it.

  2. #52
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    I placed an order through KW for the rocker support and the rocker panel. The parts arrived two days after the order was placed, and I am extremely happy with the quality of the parts that were ordered. Now I have to clean the oil off of them, drill the spot welds, and prep them for paint. Now, I need to finish pulling the floor out..... Spot welds a plenty.
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    Last edited by gmwillys; 02-08-2019 at 06:57 AM.

  3. #53
    Senior Member TJones's Avatar
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    Looking Good GM!!!!!
    Still havent seen anything from the Ole Boy, I Hope everything is Okay with him.......
    Wonder if someone should drop a quarter and check on his well being?
    I tried to message you again and your mailbox was full

  4. #54
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    I cleared out a bunch of messages. Each thread is limited to 5,000 words or so. Try creating a new message, and see if that works. Last week when we were conversing, I couldn't send a response back because we had reached the limit. A new message, and all was right in the world again.
    Pelago is back on today. He's been working on his tail section, getting it right. He's tougher than all of us combined. That doesn't make us any less concerned about him.

  5. #55
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    Steering column support, pedal mount

    Reworking the pedal mount. It isn't done as of yet, just need to finish dressing the welds, then paint.
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    Last edited by gmwillys; 02-11-2019 at 05:42 AM.

  6. #56
    Senior Member TJones's Avatar
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    Looks pretty damn Good GM, I think I should have stock in the 80 grit flap disc'. They sure can make a piss poor welder look like a professional.
    I do the same thing, I weld a little then grind a little then weld to fill in then grind some more. It takes a long time but when your finished it looks pretty good and yours does that.
    I think if I ever do another project i may invest in a tig welder, that way when your done it looks pretty good and there is not much need in grinding (if you get it down pat).
    Until then I'll keep buying 80 grit disc.............

  7. #57
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    The flap disks are great. The original 6013 stick welds weren't too ugly. It just wasn't finished to my satisfaction. While it's apart, might as well make it look alright. I pulled the work cart outside to keep from smoking up the garage, and to put some better light on the subject. The wind was fairly calm, but I did need to put up a wind screen. The welds came out pretty clean, or at least there wasn't any porosity. I turned the flow meter up 10 psi to make sure there was enough gas to compensate for any breeze that may have gone through.

    I agree, a TIG welder would be a great addition. We have a guy here that is so good he can TIG beer cans together. I'm not near that good, but it would make sheet metal work so much easier. Harbor has pretty good deals on inverter DC TIGs, but if I was going to drop the money, I would invest in a AC/DC Miller or ESAB. Then you could do aluminum as well as steel. Add it to the wish list, along with a stretcher/shrinker, an English wheel, and an Iron Worker. Then I would have to build a bigger shop.
    Last edited by gmwillys; 02-11-2019 at 07:38 AM.

  8. #58
    Senior Member TJones's Avatar
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    I agree on Harbor Frieght it is my go to store, besides Menards or Rural King ( its a Menards on steroids here in Ohio ).
    A buddy of mine let me use his shrinking disc on a grinder to take out the waves in the sheet metal from to much heat when welding and it worked pretty slick. Just heat it up with friction and drench it with cold water and it pops right out.
    The guy doing my motor builds Pro-Stock chassis here in Akron and let me tell you he is the best tig welder I have ever seen, he lays a bead down and it looks like someone put it down with a caulking gun.

  9. #59
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    I had been given stick on ceramic squares. When you are welding on a large panel, and don't want to take all day to weld it up, you stick the squares on and they dissipate a lot of the heat. The only real time I was impatient with a weld job was on the passenger floor of the A1 that I did. Just got in too big of a hurry. The inside curve at the front of the tool box sucked in enough to be vary noticeable. A shrinking disk, (DA paper disk turned backwards) wouldn't put enough heat in the panel to do any good. Had to take the torch and heat up the area, then roll it back out with a baseball bate and pry bar. Took three times longer than if I just would have taken my time.

    Down here, we don't have any real good all in one stores besides Harbor Freight or TSC. Living in the north land, we had Menards, Farm King, Farm and Fleet, and Fleet Farms. TSC is good to buy grade 8 hardware by the pound, and the yellow oil based machinery primer can't be beat. Farm and Fleet is like your Rural King, but Fleet Farm is a true man mall. If they don't have it, you don't need it.
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    Last edited by gmwillys; 02-11-2019 at 02:33 PM.

  10. #60
    Senior Member TJones's Avatar
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    Akron, Ohio
    Here is the shrinking disc I have GM, it works greatshrinking disc.jpg

    Your floor pan is coming out Real Nice,I bet it is tough getting the mounting holes/runners in the exact place they need to be unless you marked the old runners.

    I found a couple of good places to buy bolts online, and
    McMaster Carr generally doesn't sell small qty., but Bolt Depot you can get what ever or how many ever you need.
    McMaster Carr is in Twinsburg Ohio and its only 12 miles from me but Bolt Depot is in Massachusetts and takes about 4 days to get stuff from them. They both are a Mans Mall for any type of fastener your looking for.
    Last edited by TJones; 02-11-2019 at 04:35 PM.

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