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Thread: Transfer case mount install procedure, 54 Wagon

  1. #1

    Transfer case mount install procedure, 54 Wagon

    Hey All,

    So looking for some install instructions or pics for this mount on my 54 Wagon, Dana 18 transfer case. Ive seen a few different ways, some could be wrong? Should the tapered side of the rubber mount face up? Any help appreciated. I didnt have anything there went I bought the Wagon.

    Last edited by JW1954WAGON; 03-10-2024 at 07:17 AM.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    See if these videos help JW. Let me know if you need more. The way it is shown as a new part is confusing.

  3. #3
    Thanks bmorgil! Saw one of those already and thats why I stopped to be sure. My crossmember is straight with the additional bracket unlike the earlier models, but shouldnt change the position of the mount itself. Tapered side of rubber should be on the top side like these Im thinking to make sense.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Yes the mount goes together the same for all Dana 18's in the Jeeps. I took a picture of mine here as installed. Cone shape up and against the transfer case. Small rubber under the cross member. The large tin cup goes into the cross member cup that is welded to the cross member. You may have to tap it in. Make sure the old cup is not stuck in there. The small tin cup goes over the rubber, not against the cross member, under the cross member. In my photo the top rubber is covered with dust (shameful) and it appears to look gold. Torque it to 30 ft. lbs..

    There are a few different looking mounts out there, but the concept is the same. Sandwich the cross member between the rubber and set the transfer case on top of the larger rubber disc. I have seen a few mounts (especially the originals) that are simply two large rubber discs with a large fender washer on the top and bottom. I think the one you have a photo of is the only one you will find today that isn't NOS. It appears there is only one manufacturer making them. No matter where you get that mount now, it looks the same as the photo you have.

    I added a copy of this post to the Tech section. It is hard to find a clear explanation of the mount. The photo's of the new product definitely don't help, they are basically upside down!
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    Last edited by bmorgil; 03-10-2024 at 08:14 AM.

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