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Thread: Virtual Willys MB

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by bmorgil View Post
    Oh my God I love this! Fascinating to say the least. Here is a frame shot for you. As you go along we may be able to provide quite a few actual shots for the detail if it will help. If it is a Military Frame it needs the machine gun mount. gmwillys posted some pictures of one somewhere.
    Thanks BMorgil, the pictures will be very helpful. I will include the gun mount

  2. #12
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    This is an M38 frame with the machine gun mount. The mount didn't change much from the MB to M38 all the way to the M38A1
    Attached Images Attached Images

  3. #13
    Thanks gmwillys, I added the gun mounting plate based on your picture.

    When I compare your picture and my design it seems the middle crossmember is too far from the rear crossmember.


    46.5mm * 10 (1/10 scale) = 465mm which is roughly 18.25in between the two crossmembers. Does it make sense?

    I'm using this blueprint as a reference


  4. #14
    Junior Member
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    BB, I think this is so cool. We have this type of equipment where I work. I have a coworker that has a machine as well. I have to show him this.

    Cool Project


  5. #15
    Senior Member 5JeepsAz's Avatar
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    This is fantastic! Thank you for sharing. Some random thoughts...

    If you're asking for creative input, do you think it may want for a nod to original? Are you going for look or function or originality? Input might be, first, a touch of mud, plants wedged in the rust or uneven paint, what clothing for the warriors, a dog with a vest, somewhere closer to the final product? Second, we are often reminded never was it made exactly to blueprint. That never happened. An odd part that 'fits' is put in somewhere along the line. Would you consider printing up a variant part from another blueprint (fordvswillys) and make it fit? Third, a thing I saw most recently was a bar they put on the front bumper, in the field but before deployment, a vertical bar higher than the window. That defeated wires strung across the road meant by the enemy to decapitate the driver. Doesn't have to be that part in particular, but could it use some historically accurate modifications beyond blueprint at your pleasure to be truer to original? Fourth, there's a reason to use various grades of metals, some parts are weight bearing. Hate to see this thing sagging once you put in a kill devil engine! Worth thinking about, as I'm sure you are doing. And last, I read on a model building site that the jigs are required to keep square are also part of the model building process. Will be interesting to see what jigs you come up with along the way!

    All off-the-shelf comments are meant to be supportive and helpful - this thing is great, and I'm thrilled like everyone watching you make it happen!!

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by cmanderson79 View Post
    BB, I think this is so cool. We have this type of equipment where I work. I have a coworker that has a machine as well. I have to show him this.

    Cool Project

    Thanks Chuck, I'm sure having a lot of fun with this project.

    Quote Originally Posted by 5JeepsAz View Post
    This is fantastic! Thank you for sharing.
    Thanks 5JeepsAz, it's a pleasure to share my project and it's a greater pleasure to feel the welcome and support of this group of people. Seing the real thing being restored and brought back to life by this group is hearth warming.

    Quote Originally Posted by 5JeepsAz View Post
    If you're asking for creative input, do you think it may want for a nod to original? Are you going for look or function or originality? Input might be, first, a touch of mud, plants wedged in the rust or uneven paint, what clothing for the warriors, a dog with a vest, somewhere closer to the final product?
    You have given this a lot of thoughts, you are way ahead of me. I have not thought of anything else other than building the Jeep itself as close as the original as possible. I like the idea of adding elements to it. This could grow into a multi phase project.

    Quote Originally Posted by 5JeepsAz View Post
    Second, we are often reminded never was it made exactly to blueprint. That never happened. An odd part that 'fits' is put in somewhere along the line. Would you consider printing up a variant part from another blueprint (fordvswillys) and make it fit?
    I like the idea of variants. Something to think about. As I'm looking at pictures, I always ask myself was this part of the original or an afterthoughts for practical reasons. You make me think that if I digress from the original for some reasons, it won't be catastrophic.

    Quote Originally Posted by 5JeepsAz View Post
    Third, a thing I saw most recently was a bar they put on the front bumper, in the field but before deployment, a vertical bar higher than the window. That defeated wires strung across the road meant by the enemy to decapitate the driver. Doesn't have to be that part in particular, but could it use some historically accurate modifications beyond blueprint at your pleasure to be truer to original?
    I saw that wire cutting bar as well and found it was clever. Also reminded me that war is no fun. I mentioned in the first post of this thread that my first encounter with the Willys Jeep was through the MASH tv series. I may add stretchers on the hood and back seat. I think many variations will sprout in my mind overtime.

    Quote Originally Posted by 5JeepsAz View Post
    Fourth, there's a reason to use various grades of metals, some parts are weight bearing. Hate to see this thing sagging once you put in a kill devil engine! Worth thinking about, as I'm sure you are doing.
    Scaling things down to 1/10 and using 3D printed materials brings its own challenges. This will force me to digress from the original to add strength.

    Quote Originally Posted by 5JeepsAz View Post
    And last, I read on a model building site that the jigs are required to keep square are also part of the model building process. Will be interesting to see what jigs you come up with along the way!
    Time will tell.

    Quote Originally Posted by 5JeepsAz View Post
    All off-the-shelf comments are meant to be supportive and helpful - this thing is great, and I'm thrilled like everyone watching you make it happen!!
    Your comments are welcomed and taken as intended. Thanks for taking the time to write them.

    I do appreciate all the help so far by everyone! Thank you All!

  7. #17
    Senior Member scoutingranch's Avatar
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    Ohhh', we have a Billy Zoom in the world of Willys? Nice.
    "Options are for girls"

  8. #18
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    In the case of my Jeep when I found it, no two bolts would be the same length.

  9. #19
    Senior Member 5JeepsAz's Avatar
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    I'm so proud of this part I just found on my 64 I'm posting it again. I stuck a magnet down into the door and out came the missing clip. When I saw that green paint, man, it was some feeling. Now it barely fit, so I know it was cross pollination from mil spec, paint off that color not being available on a civvy. I can't e cplaincthe feeling of knowing this thing has been in there for fifty plus years. Anyway, your MASH Jeep is way cool project, glad to see your progress

  10. #20
    Senior Member TJones's Avatar
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    WOW BB, I'm not sure how I missed your thread on here but that is "Technology at its Finest". I am an excavator and I have a software program that's called INSITE and it does dirt calculations to determine the quantity of cut/fill on sites to tell you how much dirt needs to be moved around on i.e. a 15 acre site for a new Walmart and it builds 3D models similar to yours when you are finished, of the existing site before you start and the same thing of the proposed site when your finished and it helps to give you an image of what it "supposed" to look like when your done. It is not as detailed as what you have but it is similar. It amazes me how far technology has come in the last 15-20 years.
    The model your building is truly impressive, Keep up the Good work and keep us updated as you get further into it.
    Here is a couple pictures of my frustration when I started my project back when I had a CAI (Crazy A&^ Idea) and thought I have a dream

    CJ3A#7 (2).jpgCJ3A#5.jpgCJ3A#17A.jpgCJ3A#19.jpg
    Last edited by TJones; 09-06-2020 at 07:00 AM.

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