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Thread: 63 Willys Wagon refresh

  1. #11
    Senior Member pelago's Avatar
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    easter north carolina
    350 huh Neat, how much did the firewall have to get moved for the V8

  2. #12
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    That would be another option. With the original engine being a straight six, there is a whole lot of room to the forward position, to slide the drive train to keep from cutting into the firewall. The body seam was hammered down just enough to clear the passenger side exhaust. The distributor is a points unit, but it is tight with the firewall. I have considered a magneto set up, but then I might run out of room upward in the cove of the firewall. I have seen HEI distributors withe coil externally mounted. That would be another option.
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    Last edited by gmwillys; 12-02-2017 at 02:40 PM.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    ? I have looked at a lot of videos on primer,just wandering watt primer are you using on the body that you have cleaned.i will be doing the same thing before to long.

  4. #14
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by gmwillys View Post
    That would be another option. With the original engine being a straight six, there is a whole lot of room to the forward position, to slide the drive train to keep from cutting into the firewall. The body seam was hammered down just enough to clear the passenger side exhaust. The distributor is a points unit, but it is tight with the firewall. I have considered a magneto set up, but then I might run out of room upward in the cove of the firewall. I have seen HEI distributors withe coil externally mounted. That would be another option.
    Being that I am doing mine in sections, I am using Rustoleum self etching rattle cans. It works well for doing spots, then clearing off more old paint ,then repainting. The Rustoleum can be sanded smooth, then painted over with a decent automotive primer for final sealer before paint. Wally World sells the cans for just under $5.00 a can, and it goes a fairly long way. The following pictures are from a M38A1 that I worked a few years back. The primer is the Rustoleum sprayed over the skim coat of body filler. Smoothed out rather well. Your final primer/sealer should be compatible with the base coat that you intend to use. In my opinion, I would first figure out what brand or type of paint I would want to use first, then speak with an automotive paint store to figure out a primer that will live with the color coat. PPG makes some really good products, but you will pay for it. House of Kolors has good stuff also, but again expensive. Shop around, even Ebay has some all in one purchase packages.
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    Last edited by gmwillys; 12-10-2017 at 05:17 AM.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Thanks, I just hear all kinds of things about primer and didn't want to mess up and use the wrong stuff and regret it. Thanks again.

  6. #16
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    First, I ask myself what will the Jeep be used for. Back woods trails, or show quality. If I'm painting something in the driveway, then I want something that is not effected as much with humidity. Something that is easy to fix if a bug lands in it, or bird craps on it just after a coat. Implement paint works well for an everyday runner, but does not have a high luster. It's good for back woods trails, where branches and brush would destroy a good paint job. Good paint goes on well, but some of the best paints are environmentally sensitive.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    ok Time for more pic, watt u waiting on. lol.

  8. #18
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    There isn't too much new progress to report. We have been working seven days a week, up until Christmas. Finally had four days off in a row, so I had a bunch of things to take care of around the house. I did manage to finish the saw horses for the wagon body yesterday. I have picked up the sheet metal for the repair work on the floor and quarters, now all I need is time.
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  9. #19
    Super Moderator LarrBeard's Avatar
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    Ft. Wayne, IN
    Very nice set of roll-around horses.

    While it takes a while to build a set of those, they save time in the fairly short run.

    And, it keeps heavy things from falling on your head.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    I hear ya, just got home myself. Weather starting to get nasty anyway.

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