Awesome, thanks. It doesn't look like it's excessively worn. I'll get it measured and go from there. This photo isn't great but it's all I have right...
Alright I called my first engine builder. He said that he's backed up and can't touch it until the end of July, so much for that feeling of optimism,...
That's about how flossy ran, plugs always look good (and they are vintage plugs from who knows when) and only on very rare occasions would it puff a...
Since I have had the Heep in my care, the engine runs well, but I can tell it's starting to get tired. The plugs all look good, and it doesn't smoke...
A Jeep Wagon with a nice high torque smooth running LS would be awesome gm! Let me know. We could put in a nice throttle body injected aluminum block...
David, I fear you already know the way. I didn't realize that was a "through hole" into the case. I agree, I cant see how you would drill it without...
Off topic, but with all this talk about machining and engines. It's hard not to turn back to the LS community. It's amazing how far manufacturing has...