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View Full Version : Greetings from Germany!

Thomas D.
10-29-2020, 04:08 PM
Hello all,

I have recently taken over my father's Jeep. To start with a friend and me drove all the way from Munich to Düsseldorf (near where I live) over the course of 3 days, that's about 850 kilometers on the route that we took - quite a trip with some nice stops (like e.g the bridge at Remagen). But that is a different story.

My Jeep was built in 1942 and is number 2041149 S.
Its unit registry is "2 88 F HQ 25". And that is what really puzzles me.
In my understanding that means: 2nd Infantry Division, 88th Field Artillery, HQ section, 25th vehicle". From my initial research the 2nd infantry division was active in the ETO, whereas the 88th Field Artillery was a Phillipine unit and not part of the 2nd Inf Div, ever.
Anybody got any insights or ideas?


10-30-2020, 06:35 AM
That is a beautiful vehicle.

10-30-2020, 09:41 AM
Fantastic looking Jeep.

10-30-2020, 05:57 PM
Any pics from the roady? Great jeep!

Thomas D.
11-01-2020, 01:01 PM
Thanks all.
Can post some pics from the trip if there is interest. I'll probably start a separate thread for that though.

11-01-2020, 05:06 PM
That is a beauty! Road trip pictures are the best.

11-02-2020, 05:55 AM
Great road trip!

I'll see if I can get a chance to find the information to where your Jeep served exactly.

Thomas D.
12-17-2020, 04:56 PM
I'll see if I can get a chance to find the information to where your Jeep served exactly.

That would be fabulous as that number is a real conundrum to me. If it actually is real...

12-20-2020, 05:25 PM
I did some Google searches that yielded a lead, but it didn't pan out well. I haven't given up, just haven't had a chance to dig more. More to follow.

Thomas D.
12-31-2020, 09:57 AM
More to follow.

Thanks, appreciated!

Here is a pic of the jeep and a friend of mine in front of the remains of the Remagen bridge, to keep up the motivation ;-)

12-31-2020, 12:27 PM
Is that the site of the Ludendorff Bridge? Wow some history there. A great read on battles of WWII, the battle Remagen in Wiki.

Nice Jeep Man! What a classic photo. More, more!

01-01-2021, 12:50 PM
Thanks for the great picture and agree very many more! We love ride alongs. What a great roady, taking a jeep where jeeps once prowled through battles...

Thomas D.
02-05-2021, 02:01 PM
Here is another one, taken in a partly reconstructed Roman villa rustica and vineyard. 7502

02-05-2021, 04:40 PM
Oh this is just too cool! I am loving these pictures.

02-05-2021, 06:20 PM
The best roady since roadies were invented!

Thomas D.
02-14-2021, 10:36 AM
Well then, here are three more. This is Bacharach on the middle Rhine. One of the city gates, and up above castle Stahleck.

02-14-2021, 09:12 PM
Thank you so much for the photo tour!

02-14-2021, 10:29 PM
Great photo diary of your Jeep trip! Beautiful countryside.

02-15-2021, 05:57 PM
What kind of reactions and comments are you getting? What do you do in weather? Thanks for the great pictures

02-15-2021, 07:03 PM
A big thanks for taking us with you!

Thomas D.
02-19-2021, 04:06 PM
On this three day trip we were lucky with the weather. It was late August and only on one day it rained a bit. When the drizzle got a bit too much we stopped and raised the roof. Despite a lack of doors that works surprisingly well although the wind screen wipers aren't up to much...
As for reactions: in Germany Oldtimers get a license plate ending on a letter H. That is a bit like an inoffical club and whenever you encounter another H-reg you wave hello, and they greet back. I've also been greeted, waved at or got a thumbs-up from other (non-H) motorists and pedestrians, people do appreciate when you drive a piece of history around, especially (at least for the ones with a bit more detailed knowledge of military history) when it is something as iconic as a Willy.

This weekend might actually be the first this year suitable for a ride, the weather is supposedly getting rather nice.
That friend of mine in the pictures and myself are curently kitting out with replicas of period gear so we can ride in style and also aim to make more photos with that. We'll see what will come from that...

02-19-2021, 08:45 PM
Driving an old Willy's sounds like the same phenomenon the world over; similar responses and the same windscreen wiper functioning, apparently! Hope you get in that trip

02-20-2021, 06:44 AM
I want an "H"!

This is very neat. I feel like I am riding along with you. Keep it up Thomas, I don't think anyone has taken us on such a trip! This is very enjoyable. I look forward to your pictures and comments.

Thomas D.
03-29-2021, 02:41 PM
Unfortunately despite the fantastic weather on that Feb sunday (20° C, rather unusual for the month) and me getting all dressed up, the jeep didn't want to start. Not even with hanging from the battery charger.
Because of the slow turning starter I got a new battery, however with similar results. On the chance the battery got delivered flat that is now also hanging on the charger with the slim hope it will start tomorrow. If not it will have to go back to the garage...


03-29-2021, 03:14 PM
Oh no Thomas! Hopefully a charge is all she needs.

03-29-2021, 04:11 PM
That feeling also a worldwide phenomenon, apparently. Sorry. And hope we get a pick of the jeep somewhere along a route soon!

Thomas D.
04-03-2021, 12:08 PM
Not the battery. Seems to be something with the electrical system. Tuesday the guy from the garage will come round again to take a closer look. Life remains interesting when owning a Willy...
Reminds me a lot of the 19 year old Mini I used to have in the late 90ies. There was always something not working with that one...


04-03-2021, 01:28 PM
yuck. so sorry. when yours is working, all this will be forgotten. we always have the next trip !

04-03-2021, 03:57 PM
Those 6 volt systems demand perfection!

Thomas D.
05-21-2021, 11:59 AM
The beast is (supposedly) fixed. Apparently whoever had their fingers last on the wiring did some unhealthy connections. Now those are hopefully gone and I'm richer by one switch, for the ignition.
Coming weekends will show if that did the trick.
Ther personal kit is looking good though, albeit still a bit too new and shiny.

05-21-2021, 02:08 PM
Good to see its back on the road!

05-21-2021, 11:59 PM
That took a little while, though surely worth the wait. Only we can be richer by one ignition switch. Love it

Thomas D.
06-01-2021, 02:01 PM
What can I say? The rewiring really did it. The Jeep now starts super willingly. I did two shorter trips since which went very well. Although on a stop on the first trip it did spit out a little puddle of coolant through the overflow; I guess a little drama is mandatory...
And of course I took a few pics, so here is one for you!

06-01-2021, 08:20 PM
" Although on a stop on the first trip it did spit out a little puddle of coolant through the overflow;.."

That is not unusual. When you stop, the internal parts of the engine will heat up the coolant and since the water pump is not circulating coolant through the radiator - the coolant gets hotter, expands and overflows - maybe it even forms a steam pocket on some especially hot spot. Once it has done that, the coolant has found its own level and everything should be OK. Once things cool down, peek in the radiator and see where the coolant level is. Don't overfill beyond that and it shouldn't burp again.

That is a very nice picture!

06-01-2021, 08:46 PM
Man that is a very nice picture! That is a poster for sure. Be sure to submit that for the KW catalog contest for next years catalog.

06-03-2021, 04:31 AM
I’m with bmorgil that is a poster for sure, Beautiful !!!!

Thomas D.
07-04-2021, 09:24 AM
First time I hear of that catalogue contest.

Another trip done last Sunday and in kit; need to review the pics, then I'll post some.