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View Full Version : “Time out” too short

51 CJ3
01-28-2021, 08:50 AM
I don’t post here often but every time I do I have to log in twice. I will type something but when I go to post it I don’t have permission and have to log back in at which point I loose what I typed unless I thought to copy it. Is there a way to extend the inactive time before the site logs a person out? I never think to time it but sometimes I am surprised by how fast it happens.

01-28-2021, 09:38 AM
51, drop RachelH or AmyB an email on your problem. Go to the Forum "Quick Links" and click on send message next to their names.

01-28-2021, 05:27 PM
I don’t post here often but every time I do I have to log in twice. I will type something but when I go to post it I don’t have permission and have to log back in at which point I loose what I typed unless I thought to copy it. Is there a way to extend the inactive time before the site logs a person out? I never think to time it but sometimes I am surprised by how fast it happens.

I have that problem too - I either type too slow or talk too much.

I will compose my message offline (like in Word), then copy and paste into the Forum message box.

06-08-2021, 09:24 AM
This just happened to me today. I attempted to start a new restoration thread and had a very lengthy text. When I went to attach some pics, I got a pop up to log back in. When I did log back in everything I wrote was gone. What is the point in auto save when nothing really gets saved? Is there a was to have a draft saved should the time out occur?

06-08-2021, 11:25 AM
Yeah - that happens to me as well.

When I am going to write a dissertation, I compose it off-line, in Word, and then copy and paste it into the Forum.

Often when I log back in and open another reply, I will get a query"Reload Autosaved Content?" and something I thought I lost will come back.

It is a quirk ofd the tool the Forum uses - not easily fixed by users

06-08-2021, 11:39 AM
There are rumors afoot of a "new" forum engine coming. I think the KW team is working on something.