View Full Version : Closed Knuckle - Either side a red flag?

03-30-2023, 11:18 AM
1946 CJ2A "Bendix" type joint --- I don't have the repair history of my jeep, I've only driven it <10 miles since I bought it.

In the process of doing a disc brake upgrade. Opened up my steering knuckles. The passenger side spindle plate came right off and the inside is clean and the bearings have a very thin lubrication. The cavity has no build up lube at all and the bottom king pin bearing is clean and shinny. The driver side took some effort to get the spindle off and inside is grimy with a grease but nearly empty.

Could the passenger side be newer and they used a clear lubricant? Or do I have a leak in the bottom king pins/spindle plate on both? Is differential fluid leaking into my driver side knuckle?


Before I drop $$$ on 2 quarts of https://torqueking.com/product/777/c...4-front-axles/ or any other EP lubes suggested in this forum, should I hunting down the source of the missing lube?

03-30-2023, 12:25 PM
Never heard of a clear lube SlimJ, but you never know! I would say it all leaked out. I would clean things out real well and inspect the joints for wear. The driver side looks like some water got in. Usually when the lube is gone so is the joint. The usual spot for the lube to leak out is the wiper seal on the knuckle. You will probably need to replace those. They don't have a long service life. If you want to check and see if they leak, you could fill the knuckle with an inexpensive hypoid axle gear oil and wait a few hours. Just remember to drain it all out and fill it back up with the right stuff.

03-31-2023, 06:58 AM
Oh no, maybe someone just sprayed a lil WD40 on the passenger side and closed it up. :eek: Thanks BMORGIL, that is a good plan.

04-01-2023, 12:00 AM
I believe you are right on the WD40 fogging to prevent rust. It's a darn good thing Slimjim that you did your maintenance checks.