View Full Version : Memorial Day - 2024

05-21-2024, 12:38 PM
Memorial Day is the time when we stop and give thanks for the servicemen who gave their lives for our county and our freedoms.

Take time this upcoming weekend at your family picnic or social outing to remind everyone there why we celebrate this day.

05-22-2024, 01:03 AM
Thank you to all who didn't make it home

05-22-2024, 06:06 AM
Unbelievable sacrifice from our Veterans. Thank you to those who gave it all.

05-22-2024, 10:26 PM
Hats off to the brave, heroic men and women who have served and paid the ultimate sacrifice to ensure our security and freedom for generations. We as American will forever be in your debt. Their enduring hardships and sacrifice ensure we can sleep at night knowing we are safe, and that we are free. They ensure that our freedoms and customs may be upheld for future generations. We live in the greatest country on earth because of the brave men and women who put others before themselves in protecting us. May we forever be the land of the free, one nation under God, because of the brave!

Happy Memorial day to everyone, I hope you all have a great weekend and remember the TRUE reason for all the blessing we have! I am so grateful for those who have served and paid the ultimate sacrifice, THANK YOU!

05-23-2024, 12:57 AM
Well said '56.

05-23-2024, 05:06 AM
OMG 56!!!!!
If I didn’t know your age I would’ve thought this came from a 45 year Retired General!!!
You couldn’t have said it any better.
That statement has put you right up there with the Cheif and GM in putting words together, as gm has said Well Said 56!!!!!!

05-23-2024, 08:11 AM
56' is our hope for the next generation.

05-24-2024, 12:06 AM
Amen to that Bmorgil. You can tell that '56's folks did a great job in bringing him up, and instilled a great work ethic in him to boot.

05-24-2024, 11:47 PM
I'm no poet, but I try. I really appreciate all you guys kind words and compliments. Things like that really help me strive to do better everyday.

05-25-2024, 05:53 AM
Way to fly 56'! You have the right idea. Stay true to your values 56', I for one think it the most important thing you will do.