...and its a rush when it happens!
It's like opening the throttle on a turbine aircraft and getting an unexpected BANG from a compressor stall. You'll never forget the first time and after that,...
Type: Posts; User: LarrBeard
...and its a rush when it happens!
It's like opening the throttle on a turbine aircraft and getting an unexpected BANG from a compressor stall. You'll never forget the first time and after that,...
And the nice thing about the KWAS catalog, you can put it in the basket in the "reading room" and pretty soon you become very familiar with a lot of Jeep parts!
"But, I just read it for the...
I went to Dollar General and got a couple of bottles of their dishwasher gel.
Dishwasher soap really cuts grease and doesn't suds up a lot. It's nice for under hood cleanups.
I spray it on...
Just a test here to see if we have a problem with links.
I copied this one directly from the url header and pasted it in.
It looks like it's there - now let me...