After a lengthy delay to help with Spring cleanup around the yard, I'm now back into the jeep. After examining several of your suggestions I've been able to get the jeep to start reliably after...
Type: Posts; User: CChris
After a lengthy delay to help with Spring cleanup around the yard, I'm now back into the jeep. After examining several of your suggestions I've been able to get the jeep to start reliably after...
Thanks, Bob
I've ordered a replacement ignition module and will close this thread with how it performs with the replacement once installed.
Thanks for your assistance. I've got 10.8 volts between the coil (+ ) and the bat (-) during cranking.
In addition, I remeasured the resistance of the coil with nothing attached: 3.6 Ohms
Thanks, guys. I measured the voltages at several locations while the ignition circuit was hot:
Battery: 12.42 Volts
Coil (across positive and negative poles of coil): 0 Volts?!?
Coil Positive to...
Good Morning,
My name is Chris and I’m new to your forum. Over the past eight months I’ve been doing a frame off restoration of a ’51 CJ3A (serial 451-GB1 23480) with the help of the forum as a...