
Type: Posts; User: bmorgil

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  1. The cap of the master cylinder is vented so as...

    The cap of the master cylinder is vented so as the volume of fluid decreases in the master cylinder as the pads/shoes activate, wear, and fluid temperature changes, changing the level in the...
  2. I think you will find the link LarrBeard posted...

    I think you will find the link LarrBeard posted is as good as you will find. The Master Cylinder is vented and could take on water if submerged.
  3. Welcome RandyBee! LarrBeard has you on the...

    Welcome RandyBee!

    LarrBeard has you on the right track. Here is a link to the Tech section of this forum for the Engine/Clutch Military manuals on your M38. I think Chapter 6 briefly discusses the...
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