From the catalog description for the trucks through 64 - it appears that the cloth covered wire was still in use - but sometimes catalog descriptions are not entirely accurate...
Type: Posts; User: LarrBeard
From the catalog description for the trucks through 64 - it appears that the cloth covered wire was still in use - but sometimes catalog descriptions are not entirely accurate...
I had the same debate with myself when I redid the '48 truck. After all, I had been making aircraft harnesses for 25+ years, so how hard could it be I asked myself?
Then I looked at how much wire...
Putting the chassis on the tub was a stroke of genius! We've not heard of that previously.
"My media blaster/painter only has flat or gloss black paint and I can't decide which to go for. Any thoughts?"
I did the frame on the truck in a gloss black and I've not regretted it. I do keep...
"After a little tweaking, trimming, welding and grinding, baby has a new smile!!"
That sounds like an ad for an orthodontist; "See Cajun 98 if you want to give your baby a new smile."
Maybe a...
In a cross section, it looks like a fedora ...
Nice tack and stitch technique. Are you using a heat sink backer?
Ira/Pelago and GMWillys have commented that the original metal is easier to work with than modern metal. It may be something to do with being very similar alloys from the same time frame.
"Feels like eating an elephant, lol. One bite at a time."
Or, as Ira/Pelago taught us; "Just one bolt at a time"
There is no shame in buying what you need from Horrible Freight.
The 1/2-inch box end wrench from HF gets lost/stolen/walks-away just as quickly as a Craftsman...
"Once off the chassis, this tub sure has a lot of flex."
When the restorer had the cab of the '48 on the rotisserie, he suspected that it was going to flop all over the place once he cut the...
That is 'way cool - ingenious!