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Thread: well, the darn thing is out

  1. #1151
    Senior Member pelago's Avatar
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    got a ten foot ace on chest now, some relief. Once i went to the VA, and i was sick, i mean sick temp 104 Afib bad, loaded with fluids and they put me in exam room and called 911, i said whoa what is going on and they said you need to be in a hospital . says i who will pay for it, the nurse said VA. wen to er at local hosp and they admitted me right then and off to cardiac ward. they put me on antibiotics because the infection and fever due to biological parasitics from south east asia still. fought it for 12 days and started to get better. Doc said you keep improving we will let you go home. two days later (i lied and said ifelt pretty damn good) so he said you can go home tomorrow. At that very moment a woman from hosp admin said the VA wants us to transfer you right now to VA at durham but in fact will go to duke university. I simply said the doctor is discharging me tomorrow, why go to another hosp 200 miles away? and then the Doctor said he is my patient and he is not going. that sort of ended that. well a month later i got a bill for 138000.00 from that hospital, the VA refused to pay because i turned down the trip to durham. got rather testy owing over 100 grand and had to get senator burr involved and after two years they finally paid....

  2. #1152
    Senior Member pelago's Avatar
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    must be getting old and impatient, stuff supposed to all be here today, new floor for rear deck and new braces for the passenger side.

    got lots of pieces and parts ready to go. wiring loom has been repaired but i will need new ends on a lot of the cables, still have the numbrt ifd's on the wires and will lay the loom in the jeep and reconnect as much as possible, the diagram in manual spells it out but got lots and lots and lots of work to do.
    managed to get my garage cleaned out, all the junk moved into piles and even swept it and vacumed it with shop vac and even mopped it.

    pieces ready to go.jpg

  3. #1153
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    Understandable. You've come a long way to be held up by parts shortages. It doesn't help that you're wigned to boot. Getting the shop cleaned up helps to keep things in order. Makes things easier to find, and nothing to trip over.

    When I take the wife to her doctor appointments in Birmingham, we pass by the VA hospital. There is at all hours Veteran's milling around, either waiting to be seen, or have no other place to go. As a civilian, we wait a week at the most to be seen at the University hospital. It is a sad state of affairs when the men and women who risk their lives to protect our freedom, get treated worse than stray dogs. Everytime we had to go to the civilian E.R., the waiting room is full of folks from other countries, or have no insurance at all. All get seen, and treated, but our servicemen are left out in the cold.
    Last edited by gmwillys; 01-01-2019 at 09:13 PM.

  4. #1154
    Senior Member pelago's Avatar
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    In 2008 some woman pulled out in front of me and i "T" boned her at 45mph at impact, airbag did not deploy but steering wheel did and eliminated all of my teeth. went to VA and got dentures, only took them a year, only a year. last Aug (2017) i went to the VA dentist 150 miles away, all i got, want treatment I got to go there. Dentist (a ltCol national guard) told me i needed new dentures because i had lost weight and the darn things do not fiT and just plain hurt, asked her how long until new teeth and she just said months. asked how many trips would i need to complete this, she said many visits, many. told her that that was difficult for me 300 miles is a long day and waiting to see appt makes it longer, its a three hour ride to "go to the dentist" I asked are there any options, she said she could recommend that i receive authorization for outside dental care. The Dentist kept her word, three months later i get a form letter from VA stating outside dental care is authorized for me. and it gave a list of dentists in area, i called one and got a appt three days later. Thinking great now i can get new dentures. Kept appointment, show up and am sitting in chair and in walks dentist, after initial greeting he says for me to open wide, I said but doc i don't have any teeth. He steps back and says "but according to the order from VA you are here for Xray, cleaning and fluoride treatment. " Says It is hard to do that when i have no teeth", well they Xrayed. and said we will send in report stating you need new dentures. They did never got a call back from civilian Dentist. So I go see them cold, no appointment and ask what is going on. Clerk said" we are still waiting for them to tell us what to do" ssays I "you call them?" reply was yes but alll they get is telephone tag. all one sided, never a return call.

    I go home and i call the VA, telephone tag, called every day for a week, never got a return phone call. And still losing weight and the darned things are so so painful to wear and they even rub spots raw and the gums bleed. I go back to the civilian dentist and ask what do we do, She said "Mr Jones we cancelled our participation in the VA outreach program, they will not return our calls and we have 11 other VA patients besides yourself, and to make matters worse we have not been paid for all the work we have done" says I okay well thank you for what you have tried to do and left. Went to local strip club for a noon look see and a Corona and to think a bit.....

    Next day I go to all of the dentists on the list that was provided and find out that all of the other ones have dropped their participation in this endeavor, all for same reason "TELEHONE TAG AND VA WILL NOT PAY THEM"

    G o home and write a detailed letter to Senator Burr from NC. mail it.

    Two weeks later I get a phone call from the VA office for outside dental care. This woman says "mr jones we have been trying to reach you about Dental care" (YEAH RIGHT) then she tells me that she needs to find a provider that will see me, after 20 minute hold she says the closest i can find is 176 miles away. I then said "what about all these dentists on the list you initially told m about" Her reply is they are not on my list as providers, Then i sort of lost it-------- sez I "I KNOW WHY THEY ARE NOT ON THE LIST OF PROVIDERS AND THAT REASON IS THE GD VA WONT PAY ITS FREAKING BILLS, AND THAT THE DENTIST ARE ALL TIRED OF THE VA BULL CRAP (ACTUALLY SAID SOMETHING DIFFERENT BUT WILL GET CENSORED) , AND SO AM I, LADY I DONT HAVE ANY GD TEETH THAT FIT, AND AM TIRED OF GETTING MY MOUTH FULL OF FUXXING BLOOD WHEN I WEAR THE DAMN THINGS I GOT" And no I did not make an appointment with any Dentist 176 miles away. What i did do is call Senator Burr, and his staff asked if i could come to see the Senator, replied sure would go see the Dali Lama if i got teeth out of the deal. Staffer said we will get back to you and will do this after the holidays.

    And that is where it sits to this date. I got more stories, about like when i had open heart surgery and the VA had to pay (took three years) and the VA said i should have driven 150 miles to go to nearest VA facility (yeah right while having a heart attack)

    I am total of 176% service connected VA disabled, got 9 bullet holes in me and 7 bullet exit wounds, and two still in me.

    Last edited by pelago; 01-02-2019 at 04:52 AM.

  5. #1155
    Senior Member pelago's Avatar
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    need a diagram for the seats that show all the parts needed, i might have some of the parts but dont know unless i see aphoto or a blow up diagram of all three seats

  6. #1156
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    As a quick reference, you can do a Google search/images of M38A1 seats. I can not cut and paste images, plus I don't have a copy of the TM of parts break down on this tablet.

    A man takes 9 slugs in defense of our country, and we can't get our poop in a group enough to make you a set of dentures. It is insane the amount of money the government pisses away on social programs, that there is absolutely no return on investment. You invested your life to us, but we can't take care of you in return.
    Last edited by gmwillys; 01-02-2019 at 09:39 PM.

  7. #1157
    Senior Member pelago's Avatar
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    thanks for that, it is what it is, i am a survivor, at least for past 74 years will survive this also

  8. #1158
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    You deserve more than just survive. Whether you want to be or not, you are a hero to me.

    Whenever you get all your steel together, we can plan a weekend to get everything glued together. That is the least I can do.
    Last edited by gmwillys; 01-02-2019 at 09:56 PM.

  9. #1159
    Senior Member TJones's Avatar
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    He is a HERO!!!!
    Thank You pelago
    Last edited by TJones; 01-03-2019 at 05:18 AM.

  10. #1160
    Senior Member pelago's Avatar
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    back to project in hand, screw the ribs...........and thanks to all for kind comments but i gotta jeep to build
    got the new section of floor in and the (not all) thing do not have the same pattern of holes for mounting. there are four holes drilled in it and two fit perfectly, the two main reinforced holes that go thru the reinforced sedtion that bolt to the frame. and there are two holes that do not have corresponding places on the frame one has a steel nut welded in?? and i got more placesd on the frame to mount than i have holes in the new section DRILL TIME?? Looked at the old section of floor still in the one body and can not see what the hole with the welded bolt is for and there is no hole for a bolt in the corner?? the drawing would be looking up at it from floor

    new rear drawing.jpgnew rear floor.jpgstrippedframe2.jpg
    Last edited by pelago; 01-03-2019 at 11:41 AM.

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