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Thread: 63 Willys Wagon refresh

  1. #81
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    All is well on the upper east side. It rained pretty heavy, but the wind wasn't too bad. The latest count was 23 souls lost to include small children. They had less than 10 minutes of warning, but most were lost within their interior rooms. Most of the houses were wiped clean off the foundation. Most houses do not have basements. Either they are built on a slab or elevated on a crawl space.
    We had a slightly smaller tornado go through last March, and destroyed most of Jacksonville State University. We are butted up against the mountain, and storms usually divide and go around us. The one last March went up and over the mountain just a few miles down the ridge. The prevailing wind path is out of the Southeast, going to the Northeast. That storm came out of the Northwest to the Southeast.

  2. #82
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    Yesterday, I had some time to start on starting the driver's side floor. I took the old floor and cut out the insert that fits under the tool box, to aid in the layout process. I'm still convinced that I can make my own floor board, so a blank was cut from a sheet of 18 gauge. After the blank was cut, the original floor board was used to help form the blank around the door edge. In full disclosure, I did screw up the measurements. I cut the blank to match the floor board, but neglected to read my notes or double check the measurements of the empty space on the body. In short, (no pun intended) the blank is 3" short. Not a big deal, but I was intending to make the repair in a single piece. I had forgotten that I had decided to cut three inches beyond the floor piece in the front to get rid of some more cancer, and even jotted the change down. Measure once and cut twice.... There are some complex bends that will need to be made for around the tunnel and around the throttle pedal that will have to be made in separate pieces. I've come to the realization that I need to invest in a shot bag and a variety of hammers to work on making complex shapes. An English wheel would be nice as well, but shop space is a premium as it is now.
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    Last edited by gmwillys; 04-01-2019 at 12:03 PM.

  3. #83
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    Had some time on Sunday to piddle around in the garage. The steering column for the wagon has been moved around several times as things are rearranged. After looking at it setting on top of the cabinet, It was time that the steering wheel received a little attention. The plastic has cracked on both sides plus a couple on the top and bottom. Some would say that it isn't worth the trouble, but I'm hard headed. The wheel is out of a first gen wagoneer, so there aren't repops available. I like the feel of the wheel, so it stays.

    Now to fill the voids: A two part JB Weld epoxy. Clean the metal ring that was exposed within the crack, and rough up the plastic for the epoxy to bond to.

    Then the fun part. Shaping and sanding to make the repair seamless. More photos to come as I get it looking right.

    The last step will to be to buy into some steering wheel paint and clear.
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  4. #84
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Northwestern Ohio
    Oh man I did not know you had this going! Nice project gmwillys! I like the daily driver concept with the SBC. That is going to be one nice cruiser. I like the repair on the wheel with epoxy. Not many realize that that stuff makes for some real good repairs. It is very strong and workable.

    I cant wait to see pictures of that baby on the road.

  5. #85
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    It's a painfully slow process. Too many irons in the fire, but hopefully by spring I will have my garage expansion well underway. Then I will have more room to work.

  6. #86
    Senior Member 5JeepsAz's Avatar
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    Great steering wheel! So glad to see it being kept and repaired.

  7. #87
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    I spent the day moving everything out of the garage and doing a deep cleaning. Think of it as either early spring cleaning or a pre-mess clean-up. I did pull the passenger door out of storage and mounted it. This is to help keep the body square while working the floor replacement. Hopefully there will be more work to follow soon, in between working on the garage extension.
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  8. #88
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    I have a cleanup ahead of me too. My neat little shop has a coat of dust everywhere from grinding rust and dried up grease and dirt off my project. I built a small room inside a larger building that was intended for small projects where I could warm or cool it and get a lawnmower in if I wanted too. The jeep just barely fit in.

  9. #89
    Senior Member
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    That wagon is going to be beautiful when you get it done.

  10. #90
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Northwestern Ohio
    That is a nice Wagon! It is going to be a looker' that's for sure.

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