I had a set of saw horses for the M38A1 build a few years back, that I didn't make. I liked the simplicity of them, but wanted to build a set that were capable of holding the weight of not only the body, but the body and frame later on. Putting on some wheels worked well for rolling the whole mess around.
Boodogboo, we needed some good cold weather for a change. It's fun to watch the Wally World shelves empty of milk, bread, and eggs every time a flake of snow is in the forecast.
My lucky day today, got that dana 44 front end complete with disc brakes,3.73 , gonna make yaw mad when you hear price,100.00 and with the leaf springs. So that's front,rear and Dana 20 540.00. YeeHaw , now all I need is someone to give me a t18 tomorrow and that will close out my year on a good note.
Same to you Sir. You are correct in your statement. The sun does shine on a dog's butt every once in a while. At bare minimum, he has good bones to start out with.
Yes that gives me a good print in my head,I do believe I can make them. Thanks for the help. Oh you were talking of overtime I did 131 hrs last week. Roll Tide
I managed to get a few hours in a row to strip some more paint off the wagon. The dash board and firewall were the first priority, then the floor boards. I managed to make it past the front seat mounts, mid way to the rear seats. The nylon brushes that harbor freight sell cuts through the paint fairly quickly. In my opinion, they work much better than sand blasting. The next step will be replacing the floor boards.
I want to try these on the Donaldson oil bath air cleaner I found for the '48. Sand blasting an air cleaner and getting it full of grit doesn't seem to be that great of an idea.
Which size and grit seem to do the best job for you?