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Thread: New to the Forum

  1. #961
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    How did the ride go? I should have taken the heep out this weekend, but was doing other things. It won't be long before it will be time to pack wheel bearings on the car hauler and shoot north.

  2. #962
    Senior Member TJones's Avatar
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    It was a beautiful day for a joy ride, put about 80 miles on it yesterday.
    I just wish I would of put a baffle in the fuel cell when I built it, the fuel pump mounted in the frame rail squalls pretty good when it gets down to about a half a tank and the fuel sloshes from side to side and the pump sucks air.
    So I guess I will just have to keep it topped off.

  3. #963
    Senior Member TJones's Avatar
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    Okay guys!!!!
    Went for a short little ride on Saturday and parked the Ole girl.
    Came out tonight and have a puddle the size of a dinner plate under the emergency brake drum, drove it 100 or so miles after it was put back together and nothing now she’s leaking out of the rear output of the transfer case.
    Any ideas??
    Could it be the EBrakes to tight and scorched the seal or maybe a speedy sleeve on the rear yoke?
    Last edited by TJones; 05-11-2021 at 04:55 PM.

  4. #964
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    Much like a Harley and old dogs, constantly marking their territory.

    I would look at the output yoke sealing surface first. The brake would have to be way too tight to cause enough heat to mar up a seal. I'm in the same boat when I went through and fixed the parking brake on the 2A. The output yoke showed signs of a wear pattern on the sealing surface, but didn't leak. Installed a new seal, and it weeps when driving. A speedy sleeve is in my distant future, unless I dig through the spares bin and find a better example.

  5. #965
    Senior Member TJones's Avatar
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    GM I was just on YouTube and guys mentioned sealing the output shaft spline with permatex before putting the yoke, nut and washer on, they say the oil has a tendency to siphon out through the splines.
    So I guess I have another project this weekend, the Bride is going to see the grand babies today in Myrtle Beach so I’ll be batching it for a few days.
    Last edited by TJones; 05-12-2021 at 06:05 AM.

  6. #966
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    TJ if the brake was on and there was enough heat to get to the seal, you would have known. That would be red hot. It can and does happen, but it usually is accompanied by fire or at least a lot of smoke and heat. The drum would be red hot.

    At the output the Dana 18 leaks from:

    -Between the shims. Use a thin spray of Hi-Tac Spray on on each shim.
    -Along the threads of every bolt. Seal each bolt with a thin film of black silicone.
    -Around the outside of the seal. Light coat of silicone around the outside of the seal before installation.
    -Down the spline. Light coat of silicone on the spline before installation.
    -At he seal surface on the yoke. Use a wear sleeve if in doubt. Do not under any circumstance sand the surface. A large warranty nightmare of mine stemmed from persons wiping the seal surface with abrasives. Even Scotch-Brite will cause a drip. The micro scratches left behind cause a lot of problems. That surface finish is very specific believe me! You cannot duplicate the ground surface of the yoke. If it is suspect replace it or put a sleeve on it.

    All that said TJ that much lube on the ground isn't a drip from something. Sounds like you are going to find a failure of something worth writing about! Like the seal fell out or something equally bizarre.

    Don't feel bad I have a few drips I am still chasing. These old baby's!
    Last edited by bmorgil; 05-15-2021 at 08:42 AM.

  7. #967
    Senior Member TJones's Avatar
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    Well I got the drum and yoke out!
    1. When the sand blaster blasted all the parts I had the surface taped off on the yoke thinking he wouldn’t sand blast it, NOT he blasted all the tape off and put a rough surface on the machined surface and I didn’t catch it when I installed it.
    2. The spring broke on the tc side of the seal.
    So off to Akron Bearing to get a new seal and a speedy sleeve for the yoke.
    Wonder if they make a double lip seal to put in instead of a single lip that was original or should I not even mess with it?
    Last edited by TJones; 05-14-2021 at 06:22 PM.

  8. #968
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Northwestern Ohio
    Well a good time to catch it TJ!

  9. #969
    Senior Member 5JeepsAz's Avatar
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    Thats a fantastic catch! Pull that fuel tank while its down?

  10. #970
    Senior Member TJones's Avatar
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    Well I got the speedy sleeve installed and the double lip seal in, now its time to fill-er-up again.
    Just wondering if I take the shifter tower off and fill it through the tranny until it runs out the fill hole on the transfer case if that would work, they share oil don't they through the tranny?
    It is easier to do it that way due to it's a B*&^#h to fill the transfer case through the side hole that is too close to the frame rail and my electric fuel pump is mounted in the frame at that spot (poor engineering on my part)

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