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Thread: VIN Locations on '48 Jeepster??

  1. #1
    Junior Member Martys48's Avatar
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    Carson City, Nevada

    VIN Locations on '48 Jeepster??

    Any help with regard to VIN Locations on a '48 Jeepster would be greatly appreciated. The only identifier I found is a badly corroded unattached original aluminum Serial Number tag. The only numbers that are still readable are the last four which are 2416. Trying to get it DMV legal, has to be inspected but they nor I can find VIN...

  2. #2
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    The first number would be the model number of 463 for a 1948 Jeepster. The serial number of 2416 is missing a couple of digits, because the run of Jeepster started at serial number 44,051. Then ended at 84,825. I have not found anything on a frame stamping location, like the CJs had. It was mentioned in one of the forums that it is often a practice to register the Jeepster using the engine serial number. The engine serial number is located on the head, directly behind the water pump.

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