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Thread: More Jeep fun.

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2019

    More Jeep fun.

    When I bought my project the guy gave us the title. He had never gotten it put into his name but a previous owner had signed it on the back. I think it may have gone through three or four hands before it got to me. Today I went to the tag agency to get the title in my name. The gal looked it and said, It wasn't notarized when it was signed. I hadn't noticed that so I asked her what could be done. She said go get the guy, let's just call him Bob, to sign it in front of a notary. I think the last time it was tagged was 1990, so I think you know what I am thinking. She said there is something called Title 42 where you can give your information to a guy, probably a lawyer and he can arrange a court order and get a clear title. So I look in the phone book at the town where Bob lived and saw two people listed with Bob's last name. Called the first one and phone was no longer in service. Called the second one and told her who I was and asked if she knew of a Bob and she said Holy ****! He's been dead a long time. I checked the cemetery on line and he died in 2007. So I called the Title 42 number and talked to the guy and he said give him make, model, and serial number and they would check to make sure it wasn't stolen or flagged for some other reason and I could get a title in about a week for $360. The good news is that all back tags and penalties are wiped out. Decided I didn't have much choice. More Jeep fun.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    Each state is different for sure. When I was younger, we would trade cars and trucks left and right. Local hardware stores could handle title transfers and temp tags. Just as soon as you got your title in the mail, back to wheeling and dealing. That was just for the vehicles that were road ready, there was a significant pile of titles of cars bound for the crusher.

  3. #3
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    She also told me they had made it illegal for vehicles to pass through several owners before the title was brought up. I had an old truck I waited 25 years to get the title changed over .

  4. #4
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Wow it is amazing how our "system" fails when something as simple as an explanation, could move things right along. If the correct box isn't checked, it's all stop, damn the torpedoes, lets just sit here!

    What an unnecessary added expense, headache and delay.

  5. #5
    Senior Member TJones's Avatar
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    Oh my, I still have the title to my project and have never got it transferred to my name yet. The guy I bought it off of (2.5 years ago) signed the back but didn't put a date on it, the only saving grace on my part is my Bride is a notary, I guess that may help. But I am thinking that I should go and get it transferred sooner than later, before they come up with a new law that may hinder my situation.

  6. #6
    Super Moderator LarrBeard's Avatar
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    Uh-Oh ...

    Quote Originally Posted by TJones View Post
    Oh my, I still have the title to my project and have never got it transferred to my name yet. The guy I bought it off of (2.5 years ago) signed the back but didn't put a date on it, the only saving grace on my part is my Bride is a notary, I guess that may help. But I am thinking that I should go and get it transferred sooner than later, before they come up with a new law that may hinder my situation.

    You have probably broken some law written back when you could call your horse and he would come to you, proving that he really was your horse.

    I think you had better just put that really nice Jeep with the super motor on a trailer and bring it over here to me in Indiana where the Buckeye Cops won't take you into custody. I'll handle the rest - some day.

    See, I'm looking out for you ... always ready to help out a buddy. (snicker)

  7. #7
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    Better yet, I will launder all your vehicles through Alabama, where all I need is a bill of sale, (some want notarized, some don't care) license it, then sell it back to you for a modest fee. Then with your Alabama registration and another bill of sale you shouldn't have too much trouble to title it back to your state...… Just adding that up in my head, that would be more then the title 42 guy is charging. I'd hate to take advantage of you all like that.

  8. #8
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    I can tell you exactly what I would do...... And like right now!

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Or... I could take a tag off one of my grain trucks and just stick it on the Jeep. No problem if you don't get caught. Or just not tag it and stay off the road.

  10. #10
    Senior Member TJones's Avatar
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    Akron, Ohio
    You Guy's are killing me
    What are friends for???

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