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Thread: Backfire: Carb? Timing? Coil?

  1. #11
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Thanks. I didn't know about that. I'll check but I suspect it's OK since I changed points only every couple of years and they are never burned. Lots of yard work... preventing me from working on this... gotta change that soon! mj

  2. #12
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2020
    Well, I inspected the points - practically no wear. I made sure all wires were deep in distributor sockets (dist contacts look new), pulled plugs and they have almost no carbon on them but two had electrodes that were slightly tilting, like miniature towers of pizza. I pulled the air cleaner and made sure all connections (throttle, choke) were free. I didn't have a new condensor so I will order one. After putting everything back together, she ran like a top. I'm guessing maybe the plug wires could have been loose or maybe they are internally broken. Besides the condensor, I am going to replace the plug and coil wires. I'm also thinking of installing an in-line fuel filter. So my questions are: What plugs do you think work best? I've traditionally used Champion J8s (#841), gapped at .030. Last time I chnaged them (a couple of years ago), I couldn't find J8s so I used Autolite #295, gapped at .020 (these are the tower of pizza plugs). I was going to put in my spare coil but it says on the side that I must use an external resistor, so I will buy one of those as well. Not sure where "external" is but I will probably find out. Finally, what do you think of installing a fuel filter? If so, what filter works best? Thanks much... mj

  3. #13
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2020
    More details on the plugs: They are not wet. They have a slight whitish "powder" looking deposit on about 20% of the electrode and spark arm (for lack of a better term). Am I gapping these correctly? Thanks, mj

  4. #14
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Northwestern Ohio
    The plug gap is .030". Any good brand name plug is going to work fine. They came with Champions or Auto-Lites from the factory. For a Ballast resistor, screw one of these to the fire wall, it goes in series between the ignition switch and the coil 12 volt positive terminal.

    I have this fuel filter. It is very nostalgic. It looks like it belongs there.
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    Last edited by bmorgil; 04-20-2023 at 08:44 AM.

  5. #15
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Thanks! I really appreciate all the inputs. mj

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