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Thread: Advice for M38 Appraisal

  1. #1
    Administrator AmyB's Avatar
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    Aiken, SC

    Advice for M38 Appraisal

    Hi Everyone! I am posting this looking for any advice that you guys might have. A Willys M38 owner that I know was recently in a pretty bad car accident. Someone ran him off the road so it was definitely the other persons fault. The insurance company (State Farm) is working with him but doesn't have anyone that knows anything about Willys Jeeps to be able to complete an accurate appraisal. They are asking him to find someone. I actually went for a ride in this M38 last year so I know how nice it was and how much it means to this man. He knows the history behind this vehicle and where it came from. I'll attach a photo of it. Any advice is appreciated!2017 Ft Gordon (21).jpg

  2. #2
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Amy, I am thinking the site would be a good place to start. Many photos of course they will want to see the detail. That thing looks first class. I would not even venture a guess. Something like that could go very high at auction.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator LarrBeard's Avatar
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    What's It Worth?

    Quote Originally Posted by AmyB View Post
    The insurance company (State Farm) is working with him but doesn't have anyone that knows anything about Willys Jeeps to be able to complete an accurate appraisal. They are asking him to find someone.
    I hope the owner wasn't hurt - and how bad is the Jeep?

    Your own Willys for Sale is as good a snapshot as anything to get an idea of what that M38 might be worth. Even professional appraisers don't have a clue as to what old Jeeps, of any kind, are worth.

    Thanks for all you do for us - and for letting us carry on as we do!

  4. #4
    Administrator AmyB's Avatar
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    @bmorgil - Thanks! I think he knows some people there and will be contacting them.

    @LarrBeard - He hit his head really hard and suffered a concussion. He's dealing with memory issues and headaches but other than that he's ok. I'm terrible at determining value beyond a rough estimate. I don't see what the vehicles actually sell for. Resized_20200613_184637(1).jpgIMG_2784(1).jpg

  5. #5
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    Miss Amy,

    We are first glad that he is not more seriously injured. We all wish him a speedy recovery.

    A good M38 will sell for $6,000 to $12,000. Tack on another $1,000 to $1,600 for the trailer. Both amounts are depending on the market conditions, and time of season.

    I would look on line for a classic car appraiser in your area that can give you a certified amount. Ask around with any car clubs, and they would probably send you in the right direction.

  6. #6
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    Miss Amy,

    I was strolling through at lunch, and her is a fully decked out M38 that sold at auction for $61,000. It has every conceivable bell and whistle that could be put on for gear, but it definitely sets a high bar for top end, near perfect examples. Disclaimer: This was a high end Sotherbys auction house, were the bidders do have more money than brains, but it is an established selling price.

  7. #7
    Super Moderator LarrBeard's Avatar
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    I think you just wanted to torment me with that "other" truck:

    That is a nice truck, It has the PTO option and of course it is 4WD. The original L-134 makes it a lot more "cherry" than mine with the F-134. It is notable that it has only 85 miles since it was reborn - I'll bet it sits a lot and goes from point A to point B on a trailer. (The two-tone paint is NOT original...).

    I'm just grousing, Harumph.

  8. #8
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    LarrBeard, Yours is worth more in family history, and is functional. If you get a paint rock chip from tooling down the road, not the end of the world. Schedule another spa day for a touch up.

  9. #9
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=gmwillys;13196] This was a high end Sotherbys auction house, were the bidders do have more money than brains, but it is an established selling price.

    Amy the boy's have put up an array of a price range. I think gm is spot on with the high auction. It is worth what someone will pay for it. Some will pay a lot for a classic if they are unable for some reason to do some of the work themselves. They may be too busy making money! Therefore they trade the cash for the end. I think you may want to contact a high end auction and see if they can refer you to an appraiser. Usually you will need three appraisals. There are a few places that sell classic cars as well as high end Auctions. You should be able to obtain three appraisals that represent what he would take for it if he didn't "HAVE" to sell it. Most of the time the sale price you see online from the usual places are from person's who need or want to sell. For instance if you want mine.... you have to provide me with enough cash so I can buy one that's better, without having to put a wrench on it!

  10. #10
    Senior Member scoutingranch's Avatar
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    Hagerty would be a source. I'm looking at this from a different perspective. Get a "within reasonable for the Willys" and sue for a bundle. The value of the Jeep is one thing. Personal injury far exceeds vehicle value, by a large margin.
    Last edited by scoutingranch; 08-07-2020 at 07:56 AM.
    "Options are for girls"

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