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Thread: CJ-3B Fan Shroud Questions

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    South East Texas

    CJ-3B Fan Shroud Questions

    Hello Jeep Friends,

    I am having an issue finding the correct Fan Shroud for my CJ-3B. I found a used one but it doesn't seem to fit correctly. I'm not sure how it supposed to be installed. I installed it with the flat panel on top as seen in the photo below, taken looking from the drivers side (IMG-P1). It really doesn't fit well this way but this is how a friends shroud is installed on his 3B. If you can see in the photo there is a square side and angled or beveled side. The square side is on the drivers side and the angled side is on the passengers side. The next photo (IMG-P2) is taken from the passengers side and the angled side is clearly visible.

    My friends CJ-3B seems to have a different fan shroud installed. In the photo below (IMG-P10) taken from the drivers side, my friends 3B has the flat panel on top and the angled side obviously on the drivers side. In this orientation it fits very well. Notice on the photo from the passengers side (IMG-P9) The square side is installed where it has plenty of room. The fan shroud on my friends 3B seems to be correct and the one I have is not. They can't both be correct.

    Please take a look at my post and let me know what you think. I will add more photos in a subsequent post. Does my friend have his shroud mounted upside down?
    Do I have my shroud mounted upside down?

    Thanks for reading my post and giving me your thoughts and knowledge of the Willys Jeep CJ-3B.

    Thank You my Jeep friends

    Chuck Anderson
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