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Thread: Virtual Willys MB

  1. #241
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2019
    Very nice!

  2. #242
    Thank you all!

    Made much progress on the modeling side. Here are a bunch of renders

    304.jpg 305.jpg 306.jpg 307.jpg 308.jpg

  3. #243
    And some more

    309.jpg 310.jpg 311.jpg

    I also printed the tub. Took 17 hours to print it

    312.jpg 313.jpg

  4. #244
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Dec 2018
    Northwestern Ohio
    Man its getting close!

  5. #245
    Senior Member 5JeepsAz's Avatar
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    Aug 2019
    You sure you weren't in marketing? That's pure genius showing us how it's gonna look so soon. You think we are within a month for done?

  6. #246
    Quote Originally Posted by bmorgil View Post
    Man its getting close!
    Yep we're getting closer!

    Quote Originally Posted by 5JeepsAz View Post
    You sure you weren't in marketing? That's pure genius showing us how it's gonna look so soon. You think we are within a month for done?
    Funny enough, I never was a good salesman.

    I don't know how long we are to the end. I'm putting together a todo list and it's quite massive yet. Not as much on the modeling side but mostly on the printing and as you alluded, marketing. I would like to sell the files so other 3D printer owners would buy them to print themselves. I may also sell fully assemble MB and printed kits for people to assemble, but there is still a lot of hurdles to go through. Still so many unknowns. I have no clue how long it will take to print and what will be the costs of printing a complete MB.

    One thing bugging me about a future kit or fully assembled model is the fragility of parts. The smaller parts, like all the tubulars portions are very easy to break. If someone is willing to purchase a kit or fully assembled one and breaks a parts, that would suck for them and for me.

    On the modeling side, I still would like to do a couple of optional features such as a mounted machine gun, the shovel and axe on the driver side, maybe the wire cutter you mentioned back in September.

    I also have to figure out where I'm going with the 1:6 scale. I have to scale up the 1:10 model to 1:6 and print and test, make appropriate corrections. I've learned thus far that there is always something I had not thought of when I upscale parts.

    Once the 1:10 is completed which will be within a couple of weeks, I need to print a complete one with the latest files and see if everything works.

    I need to put a build document and or video.

    I also have to figure out how I go about selling all of this. The files for printers and the model kit or assembled will not cater to the same crowds.

    Finally, if I want to reach 3D printers, I need to show my work everywhere I can and build some momentum.

  7. #247
    Senior Member 5JeepsAz's Avatar
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    That definitely counts as a to do list. So if you get an endorsement from some kind of jeep museum and maybe they sell your stuff if they get a portion of proceeds as a donation to keep their doors open. Maybe some arts or activities museum place offers demos using your print designs using their printer machine. They'll have the web platform too. So maybe that's one way to get your stuff out there without you doing it all yourself? I'll bow out now, since as usual I have no idea what I'm talking about. Lol. I would consider buying one if you ever finish it! This build is the best.

  8. #248
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Salesman 101 bb, make some samples and send em out! Id say send Mike at KW one, and Walk's etc. An ebay or Amazon store is easy to set up. Word of mouth in the forums will guide some there. This forum is being watched by a few. I am thinking this is the test launch. A few of us want one and the word will spread. Most importantly, advertise. If you get a store going, you put that www address right out in plain view. You want a google search to find you.

    Once it takes off sell the whole concept for "large" to a major company, retire and buy an island.
    Last edited by bmorgil; 12-01-2020 at 09:41 AM.

  9. #249
    Thank you both for the suggestions. I like the island concept

    I already have an Etsy shop and Facebook page dedicated to my work. I also have a YouTube channel with 1300 subscribed people. They're subscribed because of guitar building stuff, but that's an audience I can take advantage of. Like you say word of mouth will also play a big role.

    One thing bothering me is the cost of a printed model. Printing is not cost effective. It takes a lot of hours which might drive the price too high just to break even. I should know more when I start printing the complete model. The slicer software has the ability to evaluate how many hours of print and how much filament will be required. I will have a better idea pretty soon.

    Just a quick survey and without any obligation, I know the price will be the greatest factor to make a decision.

    Regardless of price, what would you fancy most: Fully assembled MB or kit to assemble yourself? Scale 1:10, 1:6 or something specific?

    The todo list is shrinking fast. The modeling is now completed. I will finish print the new parts and complete my 1:10 prototype in the next few days. I will then be able to print a complete 1:10 to validate that everything still works well together. I've made so many changes but have not reprinted every single parts. I'm pretty confident that only a few parts may need some rework.

    315.jpg 316.JPG

  10. #250
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Northwestern Ohio
    I am sure there will be a market for "finished" and "assembly required". It will be interesting to see where you need to price it to make it worth your while. Inevitably you have one nice prototype!

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