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Thread: Virtual Willys MB

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by scoutingranch View Post
    Ohhh', we have a Billy Zoom in the world of Willys? Nice.
    Had to look Billy Zoom up. I'm totally clueless about Punk Rock. You can tell by my nickname what my music preference is. If you are into guitar/amp/pedal building, feel free to check my Facebook page where I showcase the things I build. You will have to dig down a bit since my last guitar was completed at the beginning of 2020.

    Quote Originally Posted by okiemark View Post
    In the case of my Jeep when I found it, no two bolts would be the same length.
    lol, my notion of "Original" is shifting, with your comment and 5JeepsAz above, I'm getting the sense that no Jeep that age is totally original. and it make sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by 5JeepsAz View Post
    I'm so proud of this part I just found on my 64 I'm posting it again. I stuck a magnet down into the door and out came the missing clip. When I saw that green paint, man, it was some feeling. Now it barely fit, so I know it was cross pollination from mil spec, paint off that color not being available on a civvy. I can't e cplaincthe feeling of knowing this thing has been in there for fifty plus years. Anyway, your MASH Jeep is way cool project, glad to see your progress
    Must have been an exhilarating moment to find this treasure in your Jeep. I've started reading your Cindy thread in my spare time, which unfortunately is not that much. Who would've thought that I'd be looking for more time at retirement.

    Quote Originally Posted by TJones View Post
    WOW BB, I'm not sure how I missed your thread on here but that is "Technology at its Finest". I am an excavator and I have a software program that's called INSITE and it does dirt calculations to determine the quantity of cut/fill on sites to tell you how much dirt needs to be moved around on i.e. a 15 acre site for a new Walmart and it builds 3D models similar to yours when you are finished, of the existing site before you start and the same thing of the proposed site when your finished and it helps to give you an image of what it "supposed" to look like when your done. It is not as detailed as what you have but it is similar. It amazes me how far technology has come in the last 15-20 years.
    The model your building is truly impressive, Keep up the Good work and keep us updated as you get further into it.
    Here is a couple pictures of my frustration when I started my project back when I had a CAI (Crazy A&^ Idea) and thought I have a dream

    Attachment 6594Attachment 6595Attachment 6596Attachment 6597
    Thanks TJones for the comments, you are right about software evolving over the past two decades. I worked IT most of my career, mainly as a sysadmin, but I've done quite a bit of programming as well. Writing a piece of software that can build 3D things and render them is beyond my level of understanding. Truly remarkable. Thanks for the picture, your 80 pages thread is next on my thread to read. There must be a lot of nice thing in there.

    Here's the progress to date. I work on half the frame, it's easier this way and half the work. As you can see I added the bumpers.


    I then use the mirror command to create the other half and used the rendering portion of the software to get this picture.


    My next order of business is to build the lower crossmember and add most of the brackets. This way I should be pretty close to the final version of the frame. I hope to print it sometime this week.

    I also ordered three rolls of Army Green filament.


    This is the closest I'll get without painting it.

  2. #22
    Senior Member scoutingranch's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=bluesblooded;13949]Had to look Billy Zoom up. I'm totally clueless about Punk Rock. You can tell by my nickname what my music preference is. If you are into guitar/amp/pedal building, feel free to check my Facebook page where I showcase the things I build. You will have to dig down a bit since my last guitar was completed at the beginning of 2020.

    Zoom has a shop in L.A where he builds equipment. His comments about playing was to make it look as simple as possible and not make harsh faces while playing, only smiles. X can be viewed on Utube.

    I'll go to your website.
    "Options are for girls"

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by bluesblooded View Post
    Had to look Billy Zoom up. I'm totally clueless about Punk Rock. You can tell by my nickname what my music preference is. If you are into guitar/amp/pedal building, feel free to check my Facebook page where I showcase the things I build. You will have to dig down a bit since my last guitar was completed at the beginning of 2020.

    Zoom has a shop in L.A where he builds equipment. His comments about playing was to make it look as simple as possible and not make harsh faces while playing, only smiles. X can be viewed on Utube.

    I'll go to your website.
    I've listened to a couple of clips on YouTube. They definitely rock.

  4. #24
    I added the transmission crossmember.


    Now ready to print it. I place the digital files on the bed of the slicer software and decide of the orientation. I also add some support (the transparent blue blocks) this will add support because a 3 printer cannot print in thin air. So whenever there is a gap with the bed I may need to add support. There is some bridging possible without support, but it rarely is satisfactory


    Once satisfied, I slice the parts. The software does exactly that, slice at a predetermined thickness. For now I use 0.3mm slices. It is consider a draft. Not good quality, but faster. That is perfect for the prototype phase.

    The slicer figures out where to melt plastic and generates gcode (machine language that CNC and 3D printer uses). This Gcode is basically movement coordinates of movement along the three axes, X, Y an Z*.

    The green portions are the support. As you can see, there is far less green than blue block in the above picture. I did not catch this therefore, a bunch of support will be missing. I will need to revisit this the next time. In the draft settings, it will take about 5 hours to print


    Here we have it after the first layer of 0.3mm

    Last edited by bluesblooded; 09-07-2020 at 04:10 PM. Reason: made a mistake in the chosen wording

  5. #25
    Here it's assembled



    All in all, it is good. I need to make a couple of adjustments, I need to add tolerance between some of the parts. The fit is too tight. I also need to revisit some of the parts printing position to see if I can get better results.

    I will be ready to print at a higher resolution and see what it will look like at 0.15mm layers. I also plan to print it at different scale to see how the parametric changes behave.

  6. #26
    Senior Member TJones's Avatar
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    That is IMPRESSIVE BB, don’t be so hard on yourself as far as being perfect. It is damn near perfect the way it is!!
    You may have created a monster on this site, I probably could come up with 10-12 guys and girls that would pay ya to duplicate their project me of course being the proto type !!!
    That is so Cool and I bet it’s just as cool to be able to build them.

  7. #27
    Super Moderator LarrBeard's Avatar
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    3D Printed MB

    It looks like you have a white primed frame sitting on jackstands in the cleanest garage ever!

    This is fantastic!

  8. #28
    Senior Member
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    I think you've got us hooked!

  9. #29
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Wow man this is cool!
    Last edited by bmorgil; 09-07-2020 at 06:49 PM.

  10. #30
    Senior Member 5JeepsAz's Avatar
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    Awesome awesome awesome

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