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Thread: Master cylinder tie bar

  1. #1

    Master cylinder tie bar

    Hi folks... easy one I think.... it appears based on limited info that the tie bar that connects the master cylinder to the brake pedal tube is eliminated on the cj3a. Is this true, or should I just put it on for added stability. I also had a question about the heat shield under the master cylinder being necessary. I believe it now is unless told otherwise.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Northwestern Ohio
    The tie bar and the heat shield are both used on the 3A. That said it will "work" without them. The 3A does use a different part number tie bar however. The 2A uses a A-1354 while the 3A uses a 647592. The heat shield is the same one. The heat shield keeps the exhaust down pipe (which runs directly under the master cylinder) from roasting the rubber seals in the master cylinder. Since this is a single piston design, failure of the seal is not good.

    A lot of owners leave the tie bar and/or the heat shield off for convenience. Again I am sure it will work without them, for a while. If your going original as built, they should be there.

  3. #3
    Thank you sir. I am trying real hard to be original. That said, I have the original tie bar and it’s newly painted so why not put it back. I will order a heat shield.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator LarrBeard's Avatar
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    Master Cylinder Heat Shield

    Quote Originally Posted by Toms51 View Post
    Thank you sir. I am trying real hard to be original. That said, I have the original tie bar and it’s newly painted so why not put it back. I will order a heat shield.
    Heat shields make for good brakes. As they say in the phone commercial; "If the brakes don't stop it, something will". Not a good conclusion.

    Good Luck - and post some pictures..

  5. #5
    Ask and you shall receive.

  6. #6
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Looking like new Tom!

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