I guess I should start posting some pics of the progression of my restoration on my '59 CJ5. I started blowing it apart back in October. I was amazed at how easily the 61 y/o nuts and bolts came out. The deeper you dig, the more issues seem to pop up. I've got rust in the floor pans, rear floor riser and next to the tail lights. Nothing terrible but it'll all be getting cut out and replaced with new metal. Once the rust repairs are made, I'll have everything media blasted and then epoxy primed. I've taken hundreds of pics as I go so hopefully I can figure out how to put it all back together.
The only bolts that gave me any grief were the ones holding the tub to the chassis, but I eventually won out. The roll bar was welded to the frame so had to cut that loose to finally get the tub free. The tranny and diff were covered in decades of grease and dirt. I scraped and used the pressure washer to get everything clean. I kept finding white bits of rock-like material. I finally realized it was oyster shell! My grandparents long driveway was covered in crushed oyster shell and it was embedded in the grease and gunk.
Welcome Cajun98!!!!!
It looks like a Great start to a restore, and you are going about it the right way.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions on here, there are 3 Guys on here that know everything from bumper to bumper on your project and like you said keep posting pictures.
We Love Pictures!!!!
Go Cajun Go! You are on the right track for sure. Take it apart and put it back together. Having minimal rust to repair is a great start. I also had a roll bar welded to the frame. At least it was installed correctly! Roll bars don't work very well when they are not hooked to the frame. You have to love your grinder and cut off discs. The pictures of the progression will be priceless.
Hat channels, floors and bed supports all have varying degrees of rust. I'll end up going with replacement floors and hat channels. On the rear floor supports, think I can cut the rot out and weld in new metal.
The tool box had rotted out so that will have to be replaced. The area where the back of the toolbox, bed floor and rear floor support all meet up is gonna take some serious work. I think I can just cut and replace with good metal. If I can find anyone in my area that carries 18 gauge sheet metal