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Thread: Ham's 48: Make it go "HOOT"

  1. #11
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Man those thing are ugly as sin! Very cool to drive around in. My brother used to plow snow with a FC in the 60's.

  2. #12
    Super Moderator LarrBeard's Avatar
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    Gee, thanks for bringing that to my attention.

    The FC-series trucks were similar in concept to the original Ford Econoline vans; get the most cargo space as possible for a given wheelbase. You sat in front of the front wheels and it took you a while to get used to the turn radius - you ran over a lot of curbs the first week or so you drove a vehicle in this configuration.

    The FC-s are so Fugly that they have a certain cuteness of their own. Kind of like having an English Bulldog for a lap dog. The biggest disadvantage to having one of these is the uniqueness of the body parts. With the "normal" Jeep trucks and wagons, everything from 1946 though 1969+ would more or less swap to some extent. Not these critters. Walck's was talking about making FC-150 and FC-170 replacement panels several years ago, so parts may be more available now.

    One of the ladies at work drove an FC-150 for a couple of years; we dubbed it the Mugly Other.

    In jest I would add several other disadvantages to having this truck:

    1. Like an A-10 Warthog aircraft, you have to sneak up on it in the dark - no one would get into something that ugly in full daylight when you can see all of it.

    2. You have to wear a full face hood to drive it. You don't want anyone to know who who you are.

    3. And, I really can't afford to buy it. I would have to build a new car barn off the property. My wife would not let me bring anything that looks like that on the place.

    Now, having poked fun at it - it does look pretty solid for its age and it should clean up well. It is an important piece of Jeep history and I'm glad it has survived in near-original condition this long.

    (I really liked that '85 Wagoneer in the BaT post)

  3. #13
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    Not many vehicles earn the award for having the ability to scare the goat off of a Great Northern Railroad boxcar. Although I do like odd and unusual, I am not too eager to deal with another cabover. After years of fooling around with old worn out shifting linkage, heat from the engine next to your hip, and the lack of ease to work on, I'd pass.
    Last edited by gmwillys; 03-30-2021 at 06:39 AM.

  4. #14
    Senior Member TJones's Avatar
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    As for Larrbeards comment on the 85 Wagoneer it caught my eye as well, I just can't figure out for the life of me why these old Pickup Trucks,Blazers,Scouts and Broncos are bringing STUPID Money...

    And the FC is and will always be Fugly

  5. #15
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    As a spectator of the online auctions, most do not sell for the asking or reserve price. Outfits like Barrett Jackson demand and most of the time get stupid money for their offerings, but that is an occasion where you get people with more money than they know what to do with, cheap drinks, and TV influencing the market. The resurgence of the early 4X4s is a society curve. People have been in isolation due to work, computers, family commitments, etc. Baby boomers are retiring from the rat race with money in their retirements, and can afford to have a vintage Bronco as their get-a-way vehicle that they had in their youth. Now Millennials are stepping back to simpler times as well, and buying vehicles they had only heard about.

  6. #16
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    I think your on track with the TV gm. I have never seen a population so stuck on, I must get my face on TV, I must have "likes" and "followers". I am sure the Auctions we see on line now, are simply shows of money. People with too much showing it off, paying way over what something is worth just to beat the next guy out of it. I would think much more of them if they were bidding on feeding the hungry.

  7. #17
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    You are correct Bmorgil, it's the have's rubbing their haves in the face of the have nots.

  8. #18
    Senior Member TJones's Avatar
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    Akron, Ohio
    I really believe your both spot on.
    My philosophy has always been “there is a huge difference between what we need and what we want”
    We don’t need much!!!!

  9. #19
    Senior Member 5JeepsAz's Avatar
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    Aug 2019
    So, is the FC capable of removing his dead goat from the backseat of his heater doaner or what? Did I miss something? Any automobile that could do that has to have some redeeming qualities even if it is ugmo. My 2c are take money out of the equation. If it still makes sense, do it. It it makes no sense except for money, look up and read the roadsigns to where you are going, likely the road paved with good intentions. Not sure if that actually works bmorgil, mechanical wise. But then I don't twerk wrenches. I twerk steering wheels and pedals only, and the occasional knob twerking. God alrighty she drove great today!!!

  10. #20
    This post will be really helpful in the future. Thank you for telling us about your experience.
    You may check out 4wheelonline in case you need auto accessories for your jeep in the future.
    Last edited by mrgrtt123; 04-19-2021 at 10:57 PM.

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