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Thread: Make It Stop!!

  1. #1
    Junior Member 50 Willy's Avatar
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    Aug 2020
    NW North Carolina

    Make It Stop!!

    We were wanting to take sarge down to the local cruise-in this month. We knew the brake pedal was hard to push, but we didn't realize just how hard you have to push to get it to slow down from any speed over 5mph! The shake-down run to the gas station proved we have more work to do.
    My question is- where do I start? I have to grip the back of the steering wheel and create as much force as possible to push the brake pedal and get any response. I found out from dad that this isn't new, he just never looked into it.

    Around the yard wasn't any big deal, but needing 3 miles to stop from 30mph IS a big deal.

    Thanks all,
    Speed Safely!


  2. #2
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Dec 2018
    Northwestern Ohio
    51, the shoes have to be adjusted just right for starters. Jack it up and make sure each wheel is functioning.The 9 inch brakes require a lot of force. That said it doesn't take a weight lifter either. I cannot lock up the brakes on mine on dry pavement. I will say that after running it a while and a few re-adjustments, it did get better. A classic Jeep defines assured clear distance!
    Last edited by bmorgil; 05-28-2021 at 03:08 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2015
    E OK
    My Jeep was doing something similar. Pedal very had to push but not much braking action. One day I was pulling into the barn and as I got to peak pressure on the pedal it let go, slamming to the floor with zero braking action. The piston had locked up inside the master cylinder and the rod finally pushed through it. A trip to NAPA to get a new master cylinder and all was good.
    '51 CJ3A
    '47 CJ2A

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