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Thread: 1st Time Jeep Owner

  1. #241
    Senior Member
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    Have all of the brakes disassembled right now. Three wheels had large shoe towards the rear, one with large shoe towards front. Noticed in Kaiser Willys parts book it specifically states that large shoe goes towards the front. Brake system will be 100% new other than the drums when complete. Including new dual res master and all new lines [hard and soft]. I'll tackle the parking brake later.

  2. #242
    Super Moderator LarrBeard's Avatar
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    You are indeed a wise man to put so much effort into brakes. Some guys let brakes be an afterthought and their biggest effort is to just get a Jeep running.

    Getting it to stop is as critical as getting it running. There was a TV commercial a year or so ago that had the tag line; "Well, something will stop it" - not a good approach to Jeeps.

    Take a hard look at your drums. On the '48 the drums were right at the reject limit, so we used new drums. Then about a year later, (not that many miles) the brakes got a bit wonky. They surged and had a screech and shudder as the truck came to a complete stop. It turned out that even the new drums were out of round - so look them over carefully. Even if they are not too worn, check for concentricity.

    Take care and keep us informed on the project - it's looking good,'

  3. #243
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Cat, where did you see that reference for the big shoe to the front? That is interesting because you have a '65. That should be a Duo-Servo design in 65'. The largest force would be to the rear. In that design for best wear the large shoe should go to the rear and the small shoe should go to the front. Usually the long shoe goes to the front in the older Simplex design like the Early MB's and CJ's. Once again however, it depends on how you want the brakes to behave.

    This is interesting because it would indicate in the 65' they were more interested in stopping power over wear. This would explain somewhat why in the Universal Manual, it indicates they can go either way. It must come down to individual mechanical preference of the installing mechanic. In any event they must all be installed the same way on each wheel in the front and the rear, left to right.

  4. #244
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    Quote Originally Posted by bmorgil View Post
    Cat, where did you see that reference for the big shoe to the front? That is interesting because you have a '65. That should be a Duo-Servo design in 65'. The largest force would be to the rear. In that design for best wear the large shoe should go to the rear and the small shoe should go to the front. Usually the long shoe goes to the front in the older Simplex design like the Early MB's and CJ's. Once again however, it depends on how you want the brakes to behave.

    This is interesting because it would indicate in the 65' they were more interested in stopping power over wear. This would explain somewhat why in the Universal Manual, it indicates they can go either way. It must come down to individual mechanical preference of the installing mechanic. In any event they must all be installed the same way on each wheel in the front and the rear, left to right.
    It's on page 106 in the 2023 catalog. It's located in the lower right corner of the parts illustrations [which are located at the top of page] near the binding. "TIP: BRAKE SHOES" The primary shoe has the longer padding and is the one that goes in the front.

    Also per the illustrations you provided previously I would guess this braking system is "Simplex". Single wheel cylinder, with one hold down pin per shoe and adjuster at the bottom.

  5. #245
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    That would do it Cat. The Simplex would have the big shoe to the front for best wear.

  6. #246
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    Quote Originally Posted by bmorgil View Post
    That would do it Cat. The Simplex would have the big shoe to the front for best wear.
    Brakes clean-up.IMG_1862.jpgIMG_1863.jpgIMG_1870.jpgIMG_1871.jpgIMG_1872.jpg

  7. #247
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Looking Great Cat!

    That is a Duo-Servo design. The big shoe goes to the back, small shoe to the front for best wear and stopping power. I think that is the way they all were with self adjusters.

  8. #248
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    Quote Originally Posted by bmorgil View Post
    Looking Great Cat!

    That is a Duo-Servo design. The big shoe goes to the back, small shoe to the front for best wear and stopping power. I think that is the way they all were with self adjusters.
    I'm going to have a million dollar Jeep! One guess as to which of these cost more....... Yep, you guessed it, the little handful of pins and clips cost more than this very nice hub puller!IMG_1861.jpgIMG_1867.jpg

  9. #249
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    That is "Thee Hub Puller" that is for sure!

    One thing definitely happens when auto's start to get old, the harder the parts are to find, the more they cost.

  10. #250
    Super Moderator LarrBeard's Avatar
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    Million Dollar Jeeps

    Well, we all have "Million Dollar Jeeps", we just don't admit it to our wives.
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