That would be nice; is 13" long enough though?
(I know - just get a longer one if it isn't).
That would be nice; is 13" long enough though?
(I know - just get a longer one if it isn't).
I don't know the length requirement without measuring however like you referenced, just buy a longer cable.
I have one of these. It works in the vise or the press.
LarrBeard, 19" cable works really nice.
Conversion bracket from classic military vehicles was a terrible experience for me..............
Catlewis, what happened with the bracket? I didn't like any of the ones I saw for sale. I ended up welding up my own using as much of the original brackets as I could. The old generator is quite large compared to the Alternators.
Im sorry to hear about that, I feel bad for recommending something that didn't work. My experience was good, and I've heard of others that were happy as well. I do really feel bad about that, hope something works out.
That looked like a fairly good setup 56'. We will have to see what trouble catlewis had with it.
56willys, you were trying to help and I appreciate that! the fact they have issues is not your fault at all!
You would think a custom made $120.00 bracket would fit like a glove,,,,,,,, NOT EVEN CLOSE! What a rip off! Considering the outrageous price, you would assume it would be supplied with all of the necessary high grade fasteners & well written and illustrated instructions, NOPE! You would think with the outrageous price it would be extraordinary quality and design, NOPE! Extensively field tested to insure the product functions as advertised, NOPE!
The slide bracket designed to facilitate belt tension adjustment required modification for proper function. Specifically I had to grind the square end that bolts to the engine block creating small radius on each side required to allow the bracket to pivot on the attachment bolt without contacting the timing cover. Without this grinding the square end contacted the timing cover and would likely result in a hold developing thru the cover and massive oil leak. Also they did not provide a fastener for this bracket and the factory bolt is too short when the additional thickness of the bracket is introduced, therefore I had to provide a fastener. Not a big deal if the bracket is reasonably priced, however with the premium price tag it should be 100% top notch. Another big quality let down was the bushing sandwiched between the two lower bracket halves is made of plastic / pvc. Pricey bracket like this, it should've been aluminum because the plastic could be easily destroyed by heat or wear. Without the spacer, the bracket will fail therefore more emphasis should've been placed on making certain it survives for many years of service. Then for the final kick in the crotch, after assembly the geometry is wrong allowing the fan to contact the alternator. I had to remove the fan and grind each blade plus include a spacer (washer) behind each fan attachment bolt to gain the necessary clearance. No, I'm not a happy customer!