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Thanks, guys. I measured the voltages at several locations while the ignition circuit was hot:
Battery: 12.42 Volts Good with the engine not running. Should be 13.7 with the engine running
Coil (across positive and negative poles of coil): 0 Volts?!? With the ignition module in the distributor hooked up, this measurement doesn't mean anything.
Coil Positive to Battery Negative: 12.42 Volts This is correct with the key on. Now we need to know what it is while the engine is cranking and not starting.
I measured the continuity of my coil neg pole to battery negative pole and found no continuity there. Good.
I do have continuity between the housing of the distributor and the battery negative pole. Good.
I do not have continuity between the distributor housing and the coil negative pole. Good
In addition, I remeasured the resistance of the coil with nothing attached: 3.6 Ohms is OK. 3.2 to 4 ohms is usually max on a 12 volt internally-ballasted coil.
Are these the readings you would expect of do I have a damaged ignition module in the distributor? Once we determine how much voltage is available at the positive terminal of the coil when the engine is cranking but will not start, we can move on from there to the next possible issue.