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Thread: 1958 CJ-5 going on a 1972 Chassis

  1. #121
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Those ball joints can hide TJ. When they are real bad you can tell just by moving them. When they just start to go they get loose or "sticky" under load at loaded height. A tough thing to duplicate. If there are miles on them, I wouldn't hesitate to refresh that area anyway. Did your Alignment guy check the track on all 4 wheels? If it isn't tracking straight you will definitely fight that also. He should have a reading for the track if he did a 4 wheel check.

  2. #122
    Senior Member TJones's Avatar
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    Bob he didn’t mention the tracking alignment but I Will call him on that on Monday.
    I wonder myself about the rubber bushings in the spring shackles that may be giving me trouble as well or even the flex in the shackles themselves ?
    Which makes me want to switch to solid brass bushings in the springs and shackles and maybe a piece of 1/4” plate welded between the 2 shackles to stiffen it all up?
    What’s your thought on that??

  3. #123
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    If the components are in good shape they shouldn't be a problem. If they are worn that is a valid place to look however. That setup works fine on other vehicles. I think you are looking for something that is out of whack. The thrust from a tracking error or those d#$n ball joints. If you are using the factory spring locations and shackle setup that's pretty proven. If all looks good in the suspension components, I would experiment with some stronger caster settings. It sounds like you are fighting more than some mild wander here, if its really fighting you I am thinking it is something more obvious.

  4. #124
    Senior Member TJones's Avatar
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    The shackles and bushings are all new and like you said it’s all been Proven to work.
    There are just SO MANY variables that enter into this Very Complicated Formula and then you lift it, change tire size, lengthen the vehicle
    I guess we just take it as it comes, change one thing at a time and I’ll start with adding more caster into it a little atta time!!!
    I did read this morning that Dana Engineers added camber built into their axles from side to side for the pitch on roadways, now that is impressive to say the least, were you part of that Engineering Design Bob???
    WOW that did amaze me!!!

  5. #125
    Senior Member TJones's Avatar
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    Doctor Dana Comes through again!!!
    I put 2* shims in today and with the big tires and wheels it’s about 70% better!!!
    Monday I’ll get some 4* shims, longer center bolts to keep everything lined up, and some longer u-bolts and hopefully it’ll be right on track!!
    No pun intended
    Thanks Dr Dana AGAIN !!!!!!
    This things got me about wore (the ****) plum out
    Last edited by TJones; 06-22-2024 at 04:38 PM.

  6. #126
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    This is a prime example to why these car project shows on TV or You Tube do not show all the issues that they have with the builds. It's all fun and games until it comes to dialing everything in for perfect performance. TJ, you are supposed to be retired not tired.

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