It would almost be worth the $2,000 to see the video he has of it doing 7,500 rpm’s!!!
Just seconds b4 it had a scrap iron fit and granaded
It would almost be worth the $2,000 to see the video he has of it doing 7,500 rpm’s!!!
Just seconds b4 it had a scrap iron fit and granaded
"I dont know, i think Ham's 48 needs an aluminum head!!"
I don't theenk so. That pile of aluminum is so ugly you would have to sneak up on it in the dark. Cast iron works just fine in the '48.
I wonder if goat aroma corrodes aluminum?
You do have to chuckle at the stuff you see on this Internet sometimes! I think someone forgot about the exhaust. The cylinder head may flow enough, the in the block exhaust valves however never, ever will.
"..the in the block exhaust valves however never, ever will..."
Would we call that a case of F-head constipation?
Hahaha! Yes we would LarrBeard, an excellent description.
I was just messing with you!
Any hurricane I've been around sounds like it's gonna explode at 2000 rpm, can imagine over 7000.
I just wanted to share it with you guys, I was curious to see your thoughts. Atleast somebody was thinking outside the box with a new experiment.
I like the F head constipation. Good one LarrBeard!