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Thread: Ethanol Resistant Rebuild Kits

  1. #1
    Member AJ-MJ's Avatar
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    Jan 2021
    Hopewell, Virginia

    Ethanol Resistant Rebuild Kits

    Is anybody familiar with carburetor or fuel pump rebuild kits that are ethanol resistant? I use ethanol free gas in my boat and jet ski. I switched to battery operated weed eaters and blowers. Secondly, is any one familiar with Daytona Parts Co. and their 1505 Carb rebuild kit? I ordered a new fuel pump from Kaiser Willys but I haven't decided which way to go with the carburetor. I would love to here your opinions...

  2. #2
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    I would still use non-ethanol fuel in your Jeep simple for the fact that the fuel is in contact with the bare aluminum of the fuel pump and carburetor. The carb and fuel pump kits have rubber parts that do not deteriorate from the alcohol in the gas. Later carbs used coatings to protect the aluminum. Typically, the coatings will be gold or aluminum in color. If the carb kits from Daytona Parts is reasonable, I would give them a shot just to see then report back. If it were mine, I would contact Scout Pilot at Old Jeep Carbs. He is a subject matter expert and test each carb to ensure they work properly before sending them out.
    Last edited by gmwillys; 05-30-2024 at 12:50 AM.

  3. #3
    Member AJ-MJ's Avatar
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    Jan 2021
    Hopewell, Virginia
    Quote Originally Posted by gmwillys View Post
    I would still use non-ethanol fuel in your Jeep simple for the fact that the fuel is in contact with the bare aluminum of the fuel pump and carburetor. The carb and fuel pump kits have rubber parts that do not deteriorate from the alcohol in the gas. Later carbs used coatings to protect the aluminum. Typically, the coatings will be gold or aluminum in color. If the carb kits from Daytona Parts is reasonable, I would give them a shot just to see then report back. If it were mine, I would contact Scout Pilot at Old Jeep Carbs. He is a subject matter expert and test each carb to ensure they work properly before sending them out.
    THANK YOU. I will definitely check him out.
    Last edited by AJ-MJ; 05-30-2024 at 07:12 AM.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Northwestern Ohio
    Mike's carb parts as also a good source for parts. I use him quite a bit. A call to him will get you a lot of information about ethanol in your fuel. As gm indicated, ethanol can be very destructive on materials that are not compatible.

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