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Thread: F134 Fuel Pump Installation Help!

  1. #1

    F134 Fuel Pump Installation Help!

    Hey folks!

    So this is the fuel pump I have from the original config when I bought the Wagon with the F134 engine. I would like to use this one if possible. What are the 2 lower inlet ports for? One of them , the previous owner had plugged off. I already have the in and out lines connected, so trying to understand the additional ports????? Thx for any help here!

    Screenshot 2024-06-23 133534.jpg

  2. #2
    Senior Member 56willys's Avatar
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    Jan 2023
    Northwestern PA.
    Not completely sure, (knowledgeable people can elaborate) but I think they might be for vacuum lines. Maybe to run windshield wipers?

  3. #3
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    You are correct '56. Enclosed is a link of a photo of the hose routing for both the fuel and vacuum.

  4. #4
    Sorry, my pic turned out small on my end. The vacuum tubes on this pump are on the bottom side. Since I really have no use for them, was going to just run the pump and plug these off.

  5. #5
    Hey folks,

    Following up to this one. If I have a dual action pump with no need for the lower vacuum ports, is it okay to plug them off? The pump cam ewith the Wagon so was going to keep it if possible.

  6. #6
    Senior Member 56willys's Avatar
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    Jan 2023
    Northwestern PA.
    I don't see there being any issue with plugging the holes. It should be fine.

  7. #7
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Dec 2018
    Northwestern Ohio
    You can plug them, hook them together or just leave them open. Make sure one of them isn't a crankcase vent for the closed fording system.
    Last edited by bmorgil; 06-27-2024 at 05:00 PM.

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