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Thread: 1951 CJ3A about to hit the road!

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    Jun 2021
    British Columbia

    1951 CJ3A about to hit the road!

    Hello - I've been putting a 1951 CJ-3A together over the past 4 years (many thanks to Kaiser willy's!) and will be putting it on the road over the next couple weeks! I have it licensed and although I'm a bit worried about the local police giving me some hassle regarding the 'condition' of the body, I think I'll be able to drive it locally without much problem. However, I do want to move it 500 miles to 35 acres that I own (maybe every year back and forth) and would love some feedback in the forum on 'towing'...Dolly vs 4 wheel etc. I'd prefer to trailer it but my Ford Bronco has a 3500lb limit and so I can't seem to marry a trailer and the jeep with anything that the Bronco can tow. I'm keeping my Ford F-150 in my back pocket in case trailering is my only option for the jeep but I'd like to sell the F-150 and would love to find a solution for towing the jeep with the Bronco....any suggestions are very welcome! Thank you!
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