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Thread: 1967 Jeepster VIN87 Owner

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2017

    1967 Jeepster VIN87 Owner


    I have inherited from my Grandfather a 1967 Jeepster VIN87. The VIN87 indicates it is the Dauntless V6 with associated transmission.

    It is in rough shape and I am having difficulty finding approximate value for resale. It is drivable.

    My decisions today are:
    (1) Drive as-is
    (2) Restore to former glory
    (3) Sell as-is

    Any help in getting me restoration sources or resale sources, I would appreciate. I am located in Indianapolis, Indiana area.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    Welcome back Kokomo Joe,

    If I were in your situation, I would put enough money into it to make it reliable for tooling around. When it warms up in the spring, then start driving around with a for-sale sign displayed. See what you truly want to do. Sometimes just easing behind the wheel , and rolling around the block gives you your answer to whether you would like to keep the rig or pass it along. As far as a price, that's a tough call without studying your local market and the condition. Different regions and conditions factor into the price, as with what someone is willing to spend on a Jeepster. Often nice examples of the first generation Jeepsters go for pretty cheap in the mid-west but bring premium money on the southern coast. The later Jeepsters are starting to show promise of their values increasing, since most were four-wheel drives, and had the options that included the Dauntless V6. With the re-introduction of the Bronco and the Scout coming back on the scene in the next couple of years, (albeit an electric Scout....) The value of the originals goes up with the nostalgia aspect.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    gm is all over it. I think that is a good way to approach it.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2017
    Thanks! I appreciate the feedback and quick responses.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator LarrBeard's Avatar
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    The wizards got it right again.

    I'm up in Ft. Wayne and you can't get a good appreciation of an old Jeep in the wintertime. Wait for the spring thaw and drive it around. You may find that it isn't something you enjoy doing - there is always "one more thing" that needs to be fixed and there is a good deal of inconvenience to an old vehicle.

    Or - you may love it!

    But - it was GrandPa's and that counts for a lot. If you should decide to let it go, the Harvester Homecoming in Ft. Wayne is a prime spot for vehicles of that vintage and style - even if the IH guys try to look down their noses at Toledo vehicles.

  6. #6
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    I had a Jeepster Commando come across my marketplace last night from Illinois that was in pretty decent running condition. They were asking $7,500 for it. I saved it so I'll keep an eye on it to see if it sells.

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