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Thread: Differences between L 134 front engine plate and F 134 front engine plate

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    Differences between L 134 front engine plate and F 134 front engine plate

    Well finally got to get pics of the engine plates. The mounting holes line up exzactly between the 2 plates. As can be seen the holes for the engine mounts are different but the holes to mount the plates to the engine are the same. There is a cut out for the oil jet on the F 134 plate and no cut out for the oil jet on the L 134 plate, but there is clearence for the jet on either plate. The one picture is the two plates on top of each other, didnt get good pic of that but believe me they match. The brown plate is off of the L 134 engine the cleaned up plate is the F 134 engine. That answers my question can i mount the L 134 engine in a frame for the F 134 engine without moving engine mounts. Just change the front plates . Both engines are gear driven cams.
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    Last edited by Wulfie; 04-19-2022 at 09:54 PM.

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