Some might have a description of their vehicle, telling you what it is, who it served with, how old it is, some will display a corps or regimental flag

I have seen tanks with a 'Do not Climb' poster on it, but that might be for Health and Safety reason (lets face it you arent going to bend it)

Jeeps seem to be in their own groups, Land Rovers in theirs, trucks in their groups, armour where ever they can fit it

Most people that own a military vehicle have a military tent, if not you have to use the public camping areas

Re enctors have their tents, treches, cooking fires all set up in the 'Living History' areas

They can range from Norman times, Viking times, The Zulu wars,

There is even a village depicting the war years, which is pretty authentic

Then everyone's favourite, The good old NAAFI wagon, bread pud, cheapest tea and coffee at every show, served in a tin mug