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Thread: Restoring Ham's '48 Willys - Another Mystery!

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    Super Moderator LarrBeard's Avatar
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    Nov 2014
    Ft. Wayne, IN

    Restoring Ham's '48 Willys - Another Mystery!

    Another “mystery” has appeared – or rather, just now was noticed. The first picture is my instrument cluster. Notice the design on the faceplate, a painted plate with five accent lines on either side with the “Willys Overland” logo on the speedometer dial. In photos I can find at various places, with trucks in different states of condition, most clusters appear to be the "engine turned" cluster as described in most places.

    (Ignore the fact that the speedometer needle points to 8 MPH., that’s another problem).

    The second picture is a picture of what appears to be the “standard” instrument cluster for 1948 trucks and Jeepsters. The engine turned faceplate is described as the distinguishing feature of the 1948 cluster – but my ’48 ain’t like that. Also, notice the speedometer background is black - mine is aluminum.

    Since with old Jeeps, “What you see is what you have”, I am starting to suspect that somewhere before I realized things, this cluster came out of another vehicle of a different vintage.

    Does anyone recognize this cluster design – and where did it come from?
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