This is an on going project on our 63 Wagon. The wagon has been with me since the late 80's. I drove it some through high school, in which we called it the aquarium. The sbc 350 that had been transplanted into it via some barn yard engineering from the prior owners, was less than reliable. The wagon then went by the wayside while work, college, and more work got in the way. It was put into storage after spending some time in the elements. From that point on, it was sitting for around 15 years, until the barn was ready to be torn down. I pulled it out and loaded it up for the 12 trip to it's new home. After getting it back into running condition, it still was a piece of yard art, while awaiting its turn in the garage. In the fall of 2016, I was moving it around, pulled it into the driveway, and then and there decided it was finally the wagon's turn. It is a work in progress, and plan on starting back on it soon.