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Thread: '46 CJ2A Parts Runner

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    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    '46 CJ2A Parts Runner

    This is our CJ2A that has been within the family since the early eighties. When purchased, the engine was crude oil pump more than it was an internal combustion engine. There would not be a mosquito in sight when driven around the property. The heep spent most of the time in the garage as a catch all for many years, without moving. My Grandfather talked Dad into letting him take it to his farm for a chore workhorse. He couldn't stand for a vehicle to sit and not be used, so he took on ownership. First thing he did was pull the engine down to discover that one of the pistons had a hole in it. He replaced the damaged piston, and had it running in no time. He used it around the farm until his passing. I then in turn purchased it from my Grandmother for what they had in it for repairs, but then later received a check for Christmas for the amount of the purchase price. I have had the Jeep at my property ever since, and have been tinkering with it since. The first thing that needed attention was the front frame horns. The heep had spent most of its early career as a snow plow, so the frame was trashed. The front cross member was rotten, and the horns were encased in scrap iron to strengthen the rust. The first order of business was to salvage the front horns off a later 2A frame that was rusted out in the middle frame section. I didn't purchase a new front cross member because the steering drag link mount on the original was in good shape, and the ends of the original were the only rotten part. The Jeep had one of the best road manners of all the Jeeps that I have been around, so I didn't want to mess too much with the steering. After marking the dimensions of the front frame, and placing some plumb bobs and mark the floor to keep everything in check. A couple of cut off wheels later, the front frame was laying on the top of the scrap heap. Taking the measurements from the original frame section, and relating it to the replacement frame rails, then they were cut also. The new horns fit nicely in place on the original frame. The cross member was fixed by putting in sleeves inside the original center section. The trick is finding the correct diameter to match the outer diameter of the cross member. The cross member was drilled so the sleeves could be plug welded, then there was a 1/4" gap left between the original cross member and the replacement section to ensure proper fusion when welded. After the cross member was completed, then the frame horns were welded solid. he frame welds were dressed, then a fish plate was added to the inside of the frame channel. Being that the heep will not be a serious off road jumper, I opted that the frame didn't need the outside frame rail to be fish platted. When looking at the outside of the frame, there doesn't look to be any repairs done.

    The last two photos are of (1) the donor frame, (2) another early 46' CJ2A that donated some other useful parts. Everything structural on it was rusted away, so there was little that could be salvaged.
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