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Thread: Doing some research on a 1963 wagoneer for a book

  1. #71
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Northwestern Ohio
    If your decision is based on an EMP attack and, you have a bomb shelter in the event of Nuclear fallout, you are old fashioned. Otherwise, points are nostalgic!

    I keep a breaker plate all set up and ready to go in my Bomb Shelter should my Pertronix fail me, or the inevitable EMP attack.

  2. #72
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    You need to have that extra shrouded in a case of lead.

  3. #73
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    I'm just not 100% sold on the electronic conversion. I suppose it goes back to the days of our dirt tracking. In the early '90s, everyone used the MSD 6A boxes. It was a constant struggle to keep the box healthy. It seemed that whenever you needed it to work the most, it would fizzle out. Even Nascar used two MSD boxes wired in on a switch for a backup ignition source.
    At that time we used a modified HEI distributor from DUI with no issues as long as you run good plug wires. We did dabble with a magnito a time or two with limited success, but it was a vintage unit.
    When I was running Chryslers, I would run single point distributors. The ballace resistors were thrown out so full voltage was at the ready all the time. No matter if the the temp gauge was barried in the red, if the engine would still turn over, it was going to start.

  4. #74
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    Aug 2019
    I'm learning new stuff about you guys! Thank you for your service, LarrBeard! As for you, bmorgil, I've been working at Wal-mart for 12 years... so, my work experience has been much less exciting. I love the bantering (even though a lot of it went over my head). Lol.

    While my story does not include an apocalyptic EMP, mostly because it would effectively perma-kill one of the main characters. There's also no happily ever after nonsense there either. Sweet Eleanor breaks down in the winter (details pending) and she goes out a hero.

    On the bright side: Here's the scene where Chip learns to work on Eleanor!

    "That one's on tight." Chip's father handed him the tire iron, but warned him before he released it to Chip's hand. "Be gentle with Eleanor, son. With your strength and how old she is, it wouldn't take much to break something and we'd be walking back to the part shop."

    Suddenly experiencing what he believed to be nervousness, Chip took the tool, but hesitated.

    "It's alright, Chip. We just need to loosen the lug nuts before we jack up the car. Try this one. I can't get it."

    "Okay, dad." He aligned the tool the way his father had and slowly increased the amount of pressure he was using to turn it. When it gave, he stopped abruptly.

    "Keep going a little bit more, rotate it a couple times. That's good! Now do the other ones."

    Feeling better about his ability to complete his task, he did as he was told. He watched carefully as his father instructed him how to use the jack and stands.

    "Becky never liked any of this kind of work. She always said it was too dirty." Chip looked down at his hands, which were covered in grime. "I always wondered what it would be like to share this with someone. I have to admit, it's nice. Thanks, son."

    "You're welcome, dad. I'm enjoying it. Thank you for teaching me."

    "Well, it was only a matter of time. I have to teach you how to keep the old girl running before I teach you to drive her."

    "Teach me to drive?"

    His father nodded. "You're old enough. Don't you want to learn?"

    "To what end?"

    "It may be hard to believe, but maybe I don't always want to drive. If you get your license, you can take Becky to the mall. What if I don't feel well and stay home from school? You could take the Jeep instead of walking if it's cold. You might need to drive in an emergency. Besides, it's a rite of passage for kids your age. It could be fun."

    "It seems like a skill I should possess."

    "I agree. I was going to sign you up for driver's education at school. You'd have to stay after class for the classroom portion. I think it's two weeks or so. After that, you can get your learner's permit and I can teach you to drive."

    "I would like that."

    When they lowered Eleanor to the ground, Dr. Parsons reached into the glove box and pulled out the manual. "I think this is a pretty good place to start."

    Flipping through the pages, he saw notes in his father's penmanship. The man's eyebrows shot up as he returned the book to him.

    "I keep forgetting how remarkable you are."

    "Is the information provided by the manufacturer incorrect?"

    His father laughed. "Old cars have personality. Eleanor is no different. If you put the recommended amount of oil in, she’ll spew that extra quart everywhere."

    “Personality? Is she friendly?”

    “I’ve always been good to her, and she’s been good to me.”

    See? I used advice!!!

  5. #75
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2019
    OK, now I can add a "twist" to this scene. The lug nuts on a Jeep are left handed on the left side.

  6. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by okiemark View Post
    OK, now I can add a "twist" to this scene. The lug nuts on a Jeep are left handed on the left side.
    What do you mean? Like lefty, righty, righty loosey? Lol

  7. #77
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    Exactly. The driver's side is bass ackward.

  8. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by okiemark View Post
    OK, now I can add a "twist" to this scene. The lug nuts on a Jeep are left handed on the left side.
    What do you mean? Like lefty, righty, righty loosey? Lol

  9. #79
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    Righty loosey, lefty tighty.

  10. #80
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by gmwillys View Post
    Righty loosey, lefty tighty.
    Ah, good old auto correct. Who's idea was that? I'd imagine that would throw him for a loop.

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