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Thread: Windshield Wipers

  1. #1
    Super Moderator LarrBeard's Avatar
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    Windshield Wipers

    Windshield wiper arms fit on a stubby knurled post that sticks out though the cowl. My passenger side wiper knurl is worn it is embarrassing to lose an arm in a rain storm – and you get wet trying to retrieve it. I added a glob of RTV to the wiper arm socket.

    This seems to work, but is there a repair kit for the little knurled post other that replacing the whole pivot and pulley assembly?

  2. #2
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    The pivot assembly will be your best route. The cables are not that difficult to unhook, just keep the routing the same, and you'll be alright.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator LarrBeard's Avatar
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    Wipers and Latches

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwillys View Post
    The pivot assembly will be your best route. The cables are not that difficult to unhook, just keep the routing the same, and you'll be alright.

    What year did the door latches change from push button to handles?

  4. #4
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    Are we talking about the exterior door handle or interior? If the exterior, there was a change on the '48 model year that had the door handles change to where the latch actuator was placed on the inside of the handle to where pulled it with your fingers. On the '47, I'm not 100% positive that they didn't use the same type of handle, or a push button thumb operated door handle. The parts break down doesn't cover anything prior to a '48 in any parts books that I have run across. I'll check the wagon side just to cover my bases.

    If interior door handles are the question, then it would fall into the same time frame of '48. I haven't found any solid information about the actual make up of the configuration, but it seems to jog my memory that the interior door latch was a push button located above the arm rest, in the middle of the upper door card. Then the door lock button was at the rear of the door card. The lock consisted of a slide button that travelled up and down vertically. When I get a chance to do some more research, I'll post it up.

    The '48 through '64 trucks and wagons used basically the same door configuration that the different styles of door handles would interchange. My '63 wagon door would fit on your '48, without any modification of any of the operating mechanisms.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator LarrBeard's Avatar
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    Door Parts - wipers and stuff

    [QUOTE The '48 through '64 trucks and wagons used basically the same door configuration that the different styles of door handles would interchange. My '63 wagon door would fit on your '48, without any modification of any of the operating mechanisms.[/QUOTE]

    I'm really working toward finding a new latch for my driver door. The passenger door closes like a bank vault (it should considering how much money is in it), but the driver side latch is just worn out - too many operating cycles.

    I had wondered if the latch itself had changed when they went from the push button interior handle to the "swing handle". From what I see in the link, the latch mechanism didn't change, so I have a lot larger junkyard population to look through for a replacement.

    AS for the wiper replacement, it's not too hard to do - unless the dern cables slip off the spring tensioned pulleys and then it gets interesting.

  6. #6
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    There isn't too much pressure on the spring pully, just enough to keep everything in place, and going in a quarter circle / Rube Goldberg type of fashion.

  7. #7
    Senior Member 5JeepsAz's Avatar
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    Now I've got more stuff to look at. I think I just read that a door handle can wear out. Who ever heard of such a thing? I mean newer vehicles, yeah. But these ones? And what you are into doesn't have any parts books. But you might be able to find a like part if someone remembers what matches what. So, back to the wipers. Did they work?

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