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Thread: 51 M38 - over my head

  1. #61
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Same concept as "the old tractor" as long as it's a gas engine! I have an IH 184 low boy in the barn.

  2. #62
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Will Johnson View Post
    back to my issue - I have the gap set, and firing order - but the I can't get the timing right - the distributor won't advance or retard enough either way for rotor to be in the direction of the cap contacts, when they are in the open position.

    that is why I think I have set the distributor incorrectly or perhaps the oil pump is set wrong!
    Will, mark the number one spark plug terminal location on the distributor so you know where it is with the cap off. Take off the cap. When the points just open (light lights), the rotor MUST be pointing to number one, when the Timing mark is at the 5 deg before mark and the engine is on the compression stroke at Top Dead Center on number one cylinder. Make sure you have this condition. If you do it is timed correctly. If the rotor is not pointed to number one, move the wires around until it is and the order is correct. With the rotor now pointed to number one and the firing order correct it should run just fine. There is no "law" that says number one has to be in any particular location to run. It will work anywhere as long as the rotor is pointed to a plug wire headed for number one. If you have the light lighting when the points open, there should be spark. How are you checking for spark?

  3. #63
    Junior Member
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    Thanks -you may be on to something as far as moving the wires around - keeping the order - I can’t wait to try that

    I have been checking for spark by holding plug against the block and looking for spark when the motor gets cranked

    I will report back

    How did you guys get so smart?

  4. #64
    Super Moderator LarrBeard's Avatar
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    "How did you guys get so smart?"

    We made the same mistkes so many times we fugured out how to do it right - or at least some way that works.

  5. #65
    Senior Member
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    No kidding.

  6. #66
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Not smart, old.

  7. #67
    Senior Member 5JeepsAz's Avatar
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    Old, not smart, but happy!

  8. #68
    Junior Member
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    greetings youngsters!

    still no luck...... I did mark the sides of the distributor - where the contacts on the cap are. Here is what I think is the problem. When the rotor passes that point where the gap is open, it is not at the contacts on the cap. I took the distrubor out and checked, turned the rotor, as that contact point passes the contact location on the cap, the gap is closed, just after it passes that spot the gap starts to open. Does that make sense? - that seems to be something fixed from the factory - or is that something I can adjust or should I see about getting another distributor?

    thanks again! best will

  9. #69
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Will, this is getting harder as we go over the internet. Can you take some pictures of what is going on? There really isn't much to these things. Bring it up on number one compression stroke Top Dead Center. Rotate the distributor back and forth, and take a picture of where the rotor is pointed when the points JUST open and the light lights or the meter shows voltage across the points. Lets see if we can't get a general idea of what is going on.

    Remember that the instant the points open the spark is generated. As long as the rotor is within a few degrees of the post on the cap for number 1, it is where it is supposed to be.

  10. #70
    Junior Member
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    thanks - will do - eventhough I am old enough and should be retired - I am still working - so maybe a few days or weekend before I get this back to you -

    thanks for the brain power!

    best will

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