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Thread: Brake valve ??

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Terre Haute, Indiana

    Brake valve ??

    I recently purchased a 1958 Willys Wagon about a week ago and I'm still learning about it. I just noticed a leak coming from a valve behind the drivers seat that looks like something to do with the brakes. It has a spring loaded plunger on top and I'm not sure what that's for. Any help would be appreciated !!!

  2. #2
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Northwestern Ohio
    If that is in the brake line, and it appears to be, it is a "line lock" a shut off valve to lock or block the brakes on that line. Show some pics of how it is plumbed in there. No leaks allowed on the brake lines.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    After looking on the underneath side it appears as though it's not factory. The brake line runs from the front along the frame rail, up thru the floor behind the drivers seat against the side wall, thru that valve, and then back down thru the floor to the rear brakes. At first thought I thought it might be some sort of proportional valve but I don't think so. The button on top is spring loaded and doesn't appear to lock. Even if it did lock originally, I don't see a purpose. IMG_20200616_142559.jpg

  4. #4
    Super Moderator LarrBeard's Avatar
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    No, no, no and no again.

    Folks do a lot to Jeeps for "new and improving" - but that was "new and deproving". Bad ju-ju. The brake line should run out of the brass fitting at the back of the master cylinder, through the frame channel back to the rear axle. It turns inboard and goes to a tee-fitting at the rear axle.
    Last edited by LarrBeard; 06-16-2020 at 07:33 PM.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator bmorgil's Avatar
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    Someone has installed a "Line Lock" to the rear brakes. They way they work is as follows. You press on the brake as hard as you can. You then apply the line lock. This blocks the flow of fluid effectively locking the brakes in the line that it is in. We had a discussion a while back about the possible use of one for an "Emergency Brake". That may be what someone was shooting for. Since it is in the brake line, any leaks must be fixed.

    I would remove it and install a new brake line. I can also see a splice in the line.
    Last edited by bmorgil; 06-16-2020 at 05:11 PM.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    When I got the Willys it came with an original service manual and a slew of other paperwork from the previous owner (s) and there was something in there about a line lock but the pictures didn't look the same. I guess whoever installed it was triple jointed because there's no way that I could reach that behind the seat while pressing on the brakes. I'm gonna install all new brake lines next week and delete that lock. Thanks for all the help !!!! Not ever owning a Willys before I just assumed that it might have been factory at first.

  7. #7
    Super Moderator LarrBeard's Avatar
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    Ft. Wayne, IN
    We might as well introduce you to the Jeep world with a little lesson about the Laws of Jeep since you have already had a run-in with "the Laws".

    Law 1. Never believe anything anyone tells you about your Jeep, or what you read about it until you verify it with your own eyes. What you see is what you have.

    Law 2. Never say "Willys/Kiser, etc., would never have ___________________. " Fill in the blank with whatever strange thing you see, like "put left over CJ 2A parts into early CJ 3A's.

    Willys/Kiser kept parts and pieces forever and used them in different places. They never threw anything away except records.

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