Thanks guys I really appreciate the suggestions and reassuring words. Trailabite I have been looking for a heater but of course those were the first things to go around here after the eggs and milk. Still looking and maybe I'll try the blanket in the meantime.

Bmorgil, I have had a charger on the battery most of the time but I didn't consider that at this point I may have gotten the last out of it. I knew you could hand crank but as strong as the starter and battery had been I hadn't thought that could be a way to rule some things out. I will see what I need to get to try that out. I really want this weather to break to see if that makes all the difference.

Larrbeard that has been running through my mind the whole time. Even growing up in Arkansas where it can get this cold I never saw this happen. But then again I never used straight 30W. I have already been religiously checking the fluid in the radiator and it has stayed consistent.

Would yall think I might just be better to let these temps rise before i try again and go from there? It is just real hard with all this free time and looking out the window at it just waiting to be driven. But I am going to keep tinkering with other things until this crap clears up. Hopefully before it ever happens again I can get moved to warmer weather. Thanks again and I will keep y'all updated.