So with nice weather today and done working on jeep I finally get time to drive it around and enjoy it. But I've discovered this is becoming a social event. Every stop in town it draws attention and a guaranteed conversation. I'm glad to share and answer questions but wow its become quite the ordeal.... hard to get out and shift gears with everyone wanting to talk to me about it. Dont get me wrong I'm proud of her and love to share the story but I wanna drive her too. Lol. My fine lady looked over to me at one point and said, " I'm kinda honored to be riding in your jeep right now, makes me proud. " yes I swelled up with pride and thanked her for the statement, then said let's go find a country road and enjoy the ride. I'm sharing this cause its something I did not expect or anticipate this kind of attention. It's cool, but caught me off guard. Makes me even more glad I took on this project saw it through and completed it. Just thought I would share my experience since I've taken the jeep out of the garage. So many people are really hyped up about jeeps. Even learned there's a jeep wave.. lol hope everyone else who owns a jeep has experienced the same..... like a proud papa moment.
Btw.. yes I do wanna write and submit my story on the jeep. Just haven't got that far and still trying to find pics of grandma in her racing helmet. Working on that and I will submit a story soon. Something I've wanted to do from beginning. Will happen soon.