I can say I learned something today. I had no idea that there was two options for lighters.

We were happy to have a glass guy that would come out and replace all the glass on the fleet. From drunks knocking out squad car windows, to the plow trucks, he did them all. I have pulled the windshield out of my wagon, to weld in patches around the dash. It is a single piece glass, and had assumed that it was flat. It turns out that it has a slight curve to it. A new piece is quite expensive, ($300 or so) so I have it put up for safe keeping. It has some slight fogging around the edges, but it should be alright. The rope method for glass installation involves a lot of soapy water, and a good section of nylon rope. The rope pulls the sides of the rubber gasket to allow the window to slide into place within the gasket. As you work the rope around the gasket the window will ease into place.