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Thread: well, the darn thing is out

  1. #1121
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    I get a kick out of all these "professional" hunters you see in magazines and the idiot box. Scent free detergent, and doe urine that. Every deer that I ever harvested was after burning down a cheap cigar or a Marlboro. No matter ground cover or a tree stand.
    I know I'm biased, but Midwest deer are the best for taste, and size. Corn fed anything is better than the pine cone and acorn eaters we have here. Up state Minnesota deer are the same way. They are small and taste fairly gamey.
    A quick story about experience over youth. We were a group of five on a 850 acre picked corn field, with hard woods on two sides. Three of us were in tree stands with cut shooting lanes into the woods. The last two guys were in the ground blind behind us, watching the field. We made a plan to meet at the trucks at noon, because one of the hunters was in his eighties, and a diabetic. We were sitting there having a sandwich, when the elder popped up. We all watched as he grabbed his trusty 30/30. We all went to follow, as he cocks the rifle. One guy pulls up his field glasses to see what he was seeing. Out at the far edge of the field was a buck standing at the edge of the field. The grandfather proceeds forward about 10 yards.He placed the butt of the rifle to his hip and lobbed a round down range. He immediately turned to us and said I got that S.O.B. We couldn't see the deer well, but the guy with the field glasses was watching. As we started to laugh at the guy, the spotter said that the deer just dropped over dead. The shot was every bit of 350 yards out. The man had carried the same rifle since he was a child. He knew what it could do, and how to shoot it. I was a believer from that point on.

    If you have a 4 1/2" grinder, invest in some cut off wheels. They make cutting things apart so much easier. I use mine to even cut panels, or trim replacement sheet metal. Harbor freight has them on sale for $5.99 for 10. They last alright for most cutting.

  2. #1122
    Senior Member TJones's Avatar
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    I agree with GM on the hunting. I have a first hand story on hunting, when I was 18 right out of high school my biggest dream was to be a guide out west for big game so i graduated HS and took a road trip west. we had family in southern Ohio,West Virginia and Alabama so the hunting gene was in my DNA. I drove 31 hours and got to Missoula Montana about 3 in the afternoon and thought I'm firsty so I stopped at the first bar I found and sat next to a guy in a cowboy hat and as soon as i ordered my beer he looked at me and said " Boy where in the H":ll you from" and from that time on my dream was becoming a reality.
    His name was Red Saffles and he leased one of the biggest parcels of hunting area's in the western US at the time,it went from Missoula south into the northern part of Idaho and was about 89,000 acres. After about 4.5-5 years of guiding big game hunts and seeing more stuff in that time than most people see in their lifetime Red came to me and said he had a doctor call him from Georgia and wanted to kill a World Record Grizzly bear and Red knew I had been seeing one and the mass distruction it was doing in my parcel of 22,000 acres I hunted. He told the doctor that we had what was either a world record or close and it would be a 10 day hunt for $18,000.00.
    A week later is when the biggest Nightmare of my life was about to unfold in the next week. Red picked this AHole up at the airport and talked to him for a hour and a half on the way back to camp and pulled me aside and said this guy has Never been west of the Mississippi,Never rode a horse, Never hunted a thing, and Never shot a gun. That should of been my sign. I think it was on the 5th day (due to his pantie a*& got sore the first 4 from riding and we were back to camp by noon) I spotted our bear on the next ridge may 12-1,300 yards so I turned around and the idiot was off his horse,on the ground with his tri-pod out trying to find this bear in his scope and I asked him WTF are doing and his reply was I am going to shoot it, and my response was you have a 300 Weatherby not a 50 caliber and you are not a Army Sniper or Navy Seal get back your horse and be quite and we'll get a little closer. After a couple hours of riding I got him within 350 yards of this Beast and I mean he was a beast.
    We tied the horses up he gets down with all his "New" gear and I set up behind him with my spotting scope (a little trick Red taught me, you can see the vapor trail of the bullet and follow it) he squeezed off his first shot and I said your ONLY 6' high, then the 2nd was 4, then 2, then a leg shot, know the bear is pissed he stands up a whirls around and winds us and here he comes full throttle. Now its time to pull out my 45 Colt Pistol, 3 clips later and I wasn't sure weather to put the barrel in my mouth or shoot him in the back of the head. Finally 50 yards from us which in a grizzly's eyes is dinner time, it drops the doctor stands up and is high fiving me and I said "have you ever shot that gun before" and his exact words were NOPE the store where I got it said they bore sighted for me and it was ready to go..........He took off running towards this 1,865 lb beast and I was praying it was only wounded and it would eat this SOB alive!!!!!!
    He was dead it ONLY took 20 shots and 3 hits first in the leg, one in the shoulder and it must of been "the saving grace one for my dumb A%^ for being there in the first place" one in the head.We rode back to camp and I gave Red the coordinates of where it was laying, collected my 10% commission and headed back to Ohio "END OF NIGHTMARE" Wouldn't trade those years for nothing!!!
    P.S. Sorry it was so lengthy....

    But on the cut-off wheels I have found some really good one's on AMAZON, Menards,Lowes,Home Depot as well as Harbor Freight.
    Last edited by TJones; 12-23-2018 at 08:30 AM.

  3. #1123
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    Aug 2017
    I would give a lot to have a Menards close by. The 3m green cut off wheels are by far the best, but they are expensive.
    Great story TJones!

  4. #1124
    Senior Member pelago's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TJones View Post
    I agree with GM on the hunting. I have a first hand story on hunting, when I was 18 right out of high school my biggest dream was to be a guide out west for big game so i graduated HS and took a road trip west. we had family in southern Ohio,West Virginia and Alabama so the hunting gene was in my DNA. I drove 31 hours and got to Missoula Montana about 3 in the afternoon and thought I'm firsty so I stopped at the first bar I found and sat next to a guy in a cowboy hat and as soon as i ordered my beer he looked at me and said " Boy where in the H":ll you from" and from that time on my dream was becoming a reality.
    His name was Red Saffles and he leased one of the biggest parcels of hunting area's in the western US at the time,it went from Missoula south into the northern part of Idaho and was about 89,000 acres. After about 4.5-5 years of guiding big game hunts and seeing more stuff in that time than most people see in their lifetime Red came to me and said he had a doctor call him from Georgia and wanted to kill a World Record Grizzly bear and Red knew I had been seeing one and the mass distruction it was doing in my parcel of 22,000 acres I hunted. He told the doctor that we had what was either a world record or close and it would be a 10 day hunt for $18,000.00.
    A week later is when the biggest Nightmare of my life was about to unfold in the next week. Red picked this AHole up at the airport and talked to him for a hour and a half on the way back to camp and pulled me aside and said this guy has Never been west of the Mississippi,Never rode a horse, Never hunted a thing, and Never shot a gun. That should of been my sign. I think it was on the 5th day (due to his pantie a*& got sore the first 4 from riding and we were back to camp by noon) I spotted our bear on the next ridge may 12-1,300 yards so I turned around and the idiot was off his horse,on the ground with his tri-pod out trying to find this bear in his scope and I asked him WTF are doing and his reply was I am going to shoot it, and my response was you have a 300 Weatherby not a 50 caliber and you are not a Army Sniper or Navy Seal get back your horse and be quite and we'll get a little closer. After a couple hours of riding I got him within 350 yards of this Beast and I mean he was a beast.
    We tied the horses up he gets down with all his "New" gear and I set up behind him with my spotting scope (a little trick Red taught me, you can see the vapor trail of the bullet and follow it) he squeezed off his first shot and I said your ONLY 6' high, then the 2nd was 4, then 2, then a leg shot, know the bear is pissed he stands up a whirls around and winds us and here he comes full throttle. Now its time to pull out my 45 Colt Pistol, 3 clips later and I wasn't sure weather to put the barrel in my mouth or shoot him in the back of the head. Finally 50 yards from us which in a grizzly's eyes is dinner time, it drops the doctor stands up and is high fiving me and I said "have you ever shot that gun before" and his exact words were NOPE the store where I got it said they bore sighted for me and it was ready to go..........He took off running towards this 1,865 lb beast and I was praying it was only wounded and it would eat this SOB alive!!!!!!
    He was dead it ONLY took 20 shots and 3 hits first in the leg, one in the shoulder and it must of been "the saving grace one for my dumb A%^ for being there in the first place" one in the head.We rode back to camp and I gave Red the coordinates of where it was laying, collected my 10% commission and headed back to Ohio "END OF NIGHTMARE" Wouldn't trade those years for nothing!!!
    P.S. Sorry it was so lengthy....

    But on the cut-off wheels I have found some really good one's on AMAZON, Menards,Lowes,Home Depot as well as Harbor Freight.
    HOLY CRAP BATMAN. although i have ridden a horse i agree with sherlock holmes charachter "mean at both ends and crafty in the middle" had a horse step on my foot and turn around and looked at me standing on my foot and i swear he shifted his wt to one hoof and laughed, damn it hurt and i smacked him right on the ear as hard as i could and limped off. i think the horse and i had a understanding then,,, but to ride one for hours probably would kill me... and have only seen one bear in the wild and it was a young black bear and it actually walked fifty yards from right to left in front of me as i sat next to a low pine waiting for deer, i was amazed and delighted to see such a gorgeous wild animal, its coat was shinn black and he was beautiful, i had a bear tag but just could not do it. soon he stopped and sat down on his rear end and lifted up to a full begging type sitting position, sniffed a lot and got up and went back the way he came. i feel so grateful to God for letting me see such a great animal in his own kingdom, no way i could kill that. also had priviledge of seeing some wild red wolves in the swamps near va border,,, that was so neat... was duck hunting when it happened (with me and a shotgun ducks are safe, i keep trying to aim)

    cut offs yeah got some yesterday and got four tall stands and the frame now on stands to cut away the front and rear end

  5. #1125
    Senior Member TJones's Avatar
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    Yes it was adventuresome most days, but like i said I wouldnt have traded it for nothing!!!!

    Jack Stands are the neatest things since sliced bread to get things up and hold them so you can work on them without bending over and killing your back, especially if your on concrete floors. I would love to have a car lift in my shop, but jack stands and my tow motor will have to work for now. I cant really warrant buying a car lift being the only thing we have that woudn't over load it is the 12 ton fork lift.

    These are the ones I bought on Amazon 10 for $11.47 and they are just as good as the 3M ones from Menards.Cut-off wheels.jpg

  6. #1126
    Senior Member pelago's Avatar
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    Jack Stands are the neatest things since sliced bread

    well yesterday i bought four that go to 2 feet extension, next size up would have been pricey, got actually ten of them now, four new ones and a bunch of short ones
    work progresses, got the rear end separated from the frame, had to cut the shackels off or get a 30 lb hammer and the ability to swing it sideways (which i sure dont) strictly dollars and cents,,, my drivers side panel has so many dents in it, have tried to pound them out and make it nice and flat, but feel that my skills are woefully inadequate in this endeavor. were i to get one of these what do you suppose a body shop would charge to put in properly??
    Last edited by pelago; 12-24-2018 at 08:16 AM.

  7. #1127
    Senior Member pelago's Avatar
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    Merry christmas to all, hope 2019 brings nothing but joy and peace to all

  8. #1128
    Super Moderator gmwillys's Avatar
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    Merry Christmas to you my friend.

    The lower rocker is pretty easy to install. The offer still stands to show you in person. Gas is cheap now, and will soon have some time. Maybe as soon as next week.

    I'm not going to mess with you if you can swing a 30 lbs sledge..
    Last edited by gmwillys; 12-24-2018 at 11:24 PM.

  9. #1129
    Senior Member pelago's Avatar
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    A quick story about experience over youth. We were a group of five on a 850 acre picked corn field, with hard woods on two sides. Three of us were in tree stands with cut shooting lanes into the woods. The last two guys were in the ground blind behind us, watching the field. We made a plan to meet at the trucks at noon, because one of the hunters was in his eighties, and a diabetic. We were sitting there having a sandwich, when the elder popped up. We all watched as he grabbed his trusty 30/30. We all went to follow, as he cocks the rifle. One guy pulls up his field glasses to see what he was seeing. Out at the far edge of the field was a buck standing at the edge of the field. The grandfather proceeds forward about 10 yards.He placed the butt of the rifle to his hip and lobbed a round down range. He immediately turned to us and said I got that S.O.B. We couldn't see the deer well, but the guy with the field glasses was watching. As we started to laugh at the guy, the spotter said that the deer just dropped over dead. The shot was every bit of 350 yards out. The man had carried the same rifle since he was a child. He knew what it could do, and how to shoot it. I was a believer from that point on THAT IS SO COOL

    SEVERAL YEARS AGO i decided to hunt with a very accurate bolt action iron sighted m98 in 8 mm (someone in past had semi sportered it stock cut down, beautiful wood, so i left it), was with my son and we were on the side of a corn field and we had been out quite a while, and nada, looked up and about 200 yrd away some crows big ones, and my son said bet you wish you had your 22 250, said watch, pulled up rifle put crown on top of front sight and held a military 6 oclock and pulled it off, crow exploded, son said "holy shiX" not bad for a 70 yr old shooter using a 75 yr old german rifle ( i was surprised also)

  10. #1130
    Senior Member TJones's Avatar
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    Akron, Ohio
    Great story!!!
    Sometimes we need to tell or “show the boys” we still have it in us pelago
    Merry Christmas to you and your Family!!!!
    Last edited by TJones; 12-25-2018 at 10:44 AM.

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